Saturday, August 11, 2012

Simple Science Projects For Kids []

Simple Science Projects For Kids []

Question by Osiris589: What are good supplementary science books to read? I am a freshmen that is taking Bio. The curriculum is quite dull, so i was wondering if you guys know any interesting science books to read. Next year I will be taking Chem and Physics, so books about those subjects are ok as well. Thanks. Best answer for What are good supplementary science books to read?:

Answer by Tracey
You didn't mention if you a high school or college freshman. My recommendations are geared towards the college level, however, if you are in high school and your reading level is at or above grade level, you may benefit from reading the following: Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher by Lewis Thomas is an amazingly interesting book specifically in the subject of biology. There is also a sequel entitled The Medusa and The Snail, however, I have yet to read it, so I can't speak to it's quality. Good Germs, Bad Germs by Sachs was an interesting read focusing on molecular and cellular biology, particularly the role of antibiotics and the development of superbugs. Many books edited by John Brockman are lively discussions, quick reads, and though provokers. His books also include contributions from a wide range of leading minds in the science world, spanning several fields of science, math, technology, and psychology. Physics books that are excellent include The God Particle and I Am a Strange Loop, although the latter might be categorized as more psychology than physics. It's typically shelved with the physics or general science books in book stores and libraries. Hope the recommendations help! Hopefully you'll find some more interesting details about biology outside of the classroom. If none of these books do anything for you, don't forget to ask your teacher or professor for recommendations, as well as librarians.

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Simple science projects are perfect for younger children in elementary school or people with a limited amount of time to complete them. Science projects don't have to be complex to be good, in fact as long as you're answering a question with your project then it's a success!

The important thing is that you learn something from it. Simple science project ideas can be found anywhere, just take a look around your house or yard and you will find many options. For instance, do plants really grow towards light? This project is fairly simple as all you really need is a plant, some water, and a light.

Other good home science experiments would be to do brand comparisons, and this can be done with any products from popcorn to paper towels to clothing. How about testing whether a person can tell which direction sound is coming from without being able to see? This is a very simple science project because you really don't need any materials besides something to make noi se with, but that could be as simple as using your hand to knock on a wall or simply saying something while standing in another room.

There are mysteries all around us and even if you already know how something works, next time your child asks you, instead of just telling them the answer, help them figure it out for themselves. It will make them feel good to find the answer on their own and they'll be eager to do another fun experiment next time they have a question.

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