Sunday, September 23, 2012

Science Fair Projects - Complete Guide to a Winning Science Project Step 3 - Project Research []

Science Fair Projects - Complete Guide to a Winning Science Project Step 3 - Project Research []

Question by : How many Laws in Science have eventually failed after one was convinced they were accurate? If you can provide some more examples.. Here are some.. 1. Impossible for man to make it to the moon. 2. Impossible to be able to travel the speed of light. It appears things that science said were once impossible are now saying they have been done before.. Makes you doubt what science calls impossible just a little bit don't you think? Best answer for How many Laws in Science have eventually failed after one was convinced they were accurate?:

Answer by Dem2008
1. Impossible for man to make it to the moon. That is not a law of science. Laws do not contain information about human civilization. Scientific laws are more general than that; they only pertain to changes in the states of physical matter. (1) was NEVER a "law in science," it was just an assertion made by historical laymen. Science doesn't say that anything is impossible. It just says that we are only justified in believing stuff about the physical world if there has been demonstrable, repeatable, testable, empirically verifiable evidence whose experimental methodologies are made transparent to everyone. There are no secrets to it.

Answer by Defeated
I take my authority from a higher power, nothing personal against science.

Answer by Gαy Asian Boy
hmm i don't think science says that... more like the general population who say it...

Answer by ows
You need to get a dictionary and look up what scientific laws are.

Answer by Jonathan Alexander
There plenty in the books Betrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science and in Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth. But other example off the top of my head are cold fusion and Piltdown man.

Answer by jurgen
In science, there are law, theory and hypothesis. A law cannot be broken,if it is, then it is not a law at all but a theory or hypothesis. When science say impossible, it was only an hypothesis, and could be broken with new knowledge and findings

Answer by Angus Dobbs
The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation or experiments.[1] Empirical data is data produced by an experiment or observation. A central concept in modern science and the scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical, or empirically based, that is, dependent on evidence or consequences that are observable by the senses. It is usually differentiated from the philosophic usage of empiricism by the use of the adjective empirical or the adverb empirically. The term refers to the use of working hypotheses that are testable using observation or experiment. In this sense of the word, scientific statements are subject to and derived from our experiences or observations.[citation needed] The standard positivist view of empirically acquired information has been that observation, experience, and experiment serve as neutral arbiters between competing theories. However, since the 1960s, Thomas Kuhn [2] has promoted the concept that these methods are influenced by prior beliefs and experiences. Consequently it cannot be expected that two scientists when observing, experiencing, or experimenting on the same event will make the same theory-neutral observations. The role of observation as a theory-neutral arbiter may not be possible. Theory-dependence of observation means that, even if there were agreed methods of inference and interpretation, scientists may still disagree on the nature of empirical data. Hope this helps.

â€" [Science]

You have selected your topic and you have completed the topic research. Now it is time to start your project research. Science fair projects always need research in order to see what other people already know about your specific topic. This type of research is much more thorough than the topic research. You will be collecting information from knowledgeable sources such as written information from books, magazines or software, and interviewing knowledgeable people from teachers, parents and librarians to people like scientists, doctors, and professors. It is also the data you have collected from performing your experiment. 

Make sure you read up on the topic you have chosen so you will have a better understanding of the information your will be given from your project research. The better you understand you topic the more successful your project will be.   Also the better you understand your topic the easier it will be to explain to other p eople. Judges look for science fair topics that students really understand, and which followed the scientific method well, including research.   You will find there are two basic types of research. There is primary and secondary research.   Once you have completed your project research you will be ready to use the information you have learned and collected to express the problem, give a hypothesis, and design and perform one or more experiments. You will find the project research will be helpful when writing your project report.   Primary Research

Primary research is the research you have initiated on your own. You can gather information from experiments you perform, surveys you have taken, interviews of people who are knowledgeable about the topic, and responses to your letters.   The people you will want to interview are the people who have special knowledge about your topic. Before you get in touch with th e people you want to interview to make an appointment make sure you are prepared. You need to have the questions you want to ask written down.  Discussing your topic with someone who knows nothing about your topic, can help you organize your thoughts and remember questions you hadn't thought about. Follow these simple rules of courtesy like the ones listed below and the person will be more inclined to talk to you. Some of the best science fair projects have personal interviews as a part of them.  

Identify yourself Identify the school you attend and your teacher Briefly explain why you are calling. Tell them about your project and explain to them how they can help you. Request an interview time that is convenient for them. The interview can be by phone or face-to-face. Ask before you tape record the conversation. There is a chance the person will be free right then, so be ready if they are. Be on time, and make sure you are ready to start the interview as soon as you get there. At the end of the interview, make sure to thank them for their time and the information. Remember to send a thank you note after the interview, so make sure you have their name and address.   Don't be afraid to write email or even letters to those people who do not live locally, but are knowledgeable about your topic. You will want to put these letters in the mail as soon as possible, so they will have time to get their answers back to you.   Secondary Research   Secondary research is the research you do by reading anything written. If you use a secondary source you will want to make note of it for future reference. You will need to list your sources at the end of your project report, so you will need the information. Secondary sources will have to be written in a bibliography to give the credit to lose who wrote or said it. Here is the format science fair projects should use for listing the "sources" or "References," depending on where they are from:   Book Author's name, title of book, place of publication, publisher, copyright date, and pages read or quoted.   Magazine or periodi cal Author's name, title of article, title of magazine, volume and issue number and date of publication, and page numbers of articles.   Newspaper Author's name, title of article, name of newspaper, date of publication, and section and page numbers   Encyclopedia Name of encyclopedia, volume number, title of article, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and page numbers of article   CD-Rom Encyclopedia or software package Name of program, version or release number, name of supplier, and place where supplier is located.   Web Site URL, Author, Page title, Date of site (These may not all be available, so some may be skipped)   This all may seem like a lot of work at first, but I promise, it does get easier. Suggest Science Fair Projects - Complete Guide to a Winning Science Project Step 3 - Project Research Issues


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