Nanotechnology - The Science That is Changing the World - Should it Be Used in Beauty Products? []
Nothing is more complex than trying to explain the science of nanotechnology, with maybe the exception of rocket science or quantum physics. So, why would any company or manufacturer who uses this science in there products, tell consumers about it? The short answer is they wouldn't. In fact, I am only aware of one company that is forth coming in their use of nanotech; and that company is Entity Beauty. We as consumers like simple, and nanotech is far from simple. So, let me share some, of what I have learned.
I found that in writing this article that there are many different definitions of nanotechnology. Here is one definition which I thought was most revelant to the beauty industry, and the context of this article. Nanotechnology, shortened to "nanotech", is the study of the controlling of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology deals with structures of the size 100 nanometers or smaller in at least one dimension, and involves developi ng materials or devices within that size. So now, I will explain that in laymen's terms; super small, itsy bitsy. Picture one human skin cell. Now, imagine something about a 1/50th smaller than a human skin cell. That is the scale at which nanotechnology works. This is why some hair manufacturers incorporating this science. Due to nanotech's ability to allow shampoo and conditioning ingredients to penetrate the hair follicle, overall texture, and hair quality improve, and you as a consumer receive maximum results, and beautiful hair.
I was never the kid in school who held his hand up first when it came to answering the teachers questions in science, or chemistry class. Not that I was a dunce or anything, I just never wanted to look like a fool in front of the class for possibly giving the wrong answer. It was only later in life that I learned this simple truth. Ignorance never means your stupid; only that you don't know, or understand something. The only problem I see with ignorance, is some people choose to remain that way. If, there is one thing that most of us don't understand, it is how important nanotechnology is in the world today, or more importantly how it is changing it. It is predicted that every salon, spa, and nail professional and their clients, will eventually be exposed to nanotech in one form or another within the next few years. Which stands to reason, as nanotechnology is probably one of the most notable advancements in science in the past fifty years. I predict nanotech applications will be used for generations to come, and if we ever have any chance at finding a cure for cancer, or the common cold, nanotechnology will more than likely have something to do with it. But, is it really needed in skincare, and more importantly the beauty industry as a whole? I say, yes, and the reason is this.
As consumers are constantly looking for bigger, better, new and improved products. How often do you go out looking for last ge neration products, when there is something newer? I would hazard a guess, never. Manufacturers, include statements like new and improved, on the labels of their products, because they know you will be more drawn to purchase them. What I really want to know, and you should be asking, is what did they improve? Did they improve the bottle, the fonts, or how well the product well the product will actually perform. The only way any lotion, or cream, shampoo or conditioner is going to give you any long term benefits, is by utilizing science that gets to the root of the problem. Did you know most ingredients in lotions, and creams only coat the surface layer of the skin? Nanotech allows ingredients to penetrate the skin, and deliver the ingredients which you are paying good money for, where they need to be; below the surface layer of the skin.
When it comes to new science, it is sometimes best to err on the side of caution. However, the fact is this. Most of us unknowingly ha ve already used one product, or another which utilizes the advantages nanoscience and don't realize it. Common products in which you may have had some experience with nanotech include, waterproofing agents, clothing, and furniture stain guarding products, run-flat tires, pregnancy tests, televisions and some MP3 players. Ever heard of a little thing called the ipod nano?
I, like most of you reading this probably don't care what, or how any given product works as long as it does what it promises as stated on the label. Heck! As long as my car starts in the morning, I could care less about what makes the alternator function. Please, don't get me started on PVR's, or that I never even learned how to program the clock on the old DVD player. Me, and technology don't mix. I openly admit it. So, when someone starts talking science, it typically goes in one ear, and out the other. I myself find nanotechnology to be boring, but I believe it deserves our attention as consumers.< /p>
So, if you are currently using a skin cream which uses nanotech; kudo's to you! I'll assume two things about you. First, you are paying through the nose for it, as new science is seldom inexpensive. Which by the way, is more than likely why more manufacturers don't utilize nanotech. Anything that cuts in to profits is typically viewed as bad business. And secondly, that you are a informed buyer and take your skin care seriously. I myself, have personally witnessed the benefits of nanotechnology first hand. I have seen scars that magically disappear, and hands that look, and feel younger. If there is a such thing as a magic bullet, then, I think nanotech is it. Don't let your fears, or simple ignorance keep you from trying something that can make you look beautiful. The truth is, soon you may not have a choice at all. The medical, pharmaceutical, hair, cosmetic, and spa industry have already embraced the benefits of nanotechnology. Now is a important for you to stay inf ormed as a consumer, and what is happening in the beauty world and how, how it can benefit you.
In parting, l would like to share this. As a child my mother always told me to strive to learn one new thing a day, and that is how you will grow to become a well rounded human being. So my advice is this. If you learn one new thing today, let it be more about nanotechnology, and how it is effecting the products you use to stay beautiful.
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Answer by pnagy75
The Gemini space capsule at the Smithsonian. Incredibly small. I'm surprised they didn't get into a fist fight being that cramped.
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