How to Earn Your Computer Science Degree Online []
More and more universities are beginning to offer a variety of tech and computer related degrees online for working adults who cannot afford to take the time during the day to attend classes. One of the most popular programs offered is the online computer science degree.
What is Computer Science?
Computer science is actually the study of computing processes and the development of technological software and solutions. Earning this degree can expand your knowledge not just of computers themselves, but what makes them "tick", not to mention improving and building successful systems that computers actually use.
Careers & Salaries
Since most companies have turned to computers for their database management, internal communications, and manner of distributing information and products to its clients and even investors, there is always need for computer professionals. Whether the career finds the graduate a position as a Database Administrator, Compu ter Specialist or IT Support Technician, Network System or Data Communication Analyst, or even a Software Developer, the variety of career paths available to those who earn a computer degree is vast. Salaries for grads could be anywhere from $ 50,000/year up to almost $ 100,000/year depending on experience and degree level earned.
Degrees & Courses Available
Online Computer Science Degrees typically start at the Bachelor Degree level, but there are associate degree programs in specific concentrations such as computer networking or computer programming. Masters degrees and Doctoral degrees are also available for online computer science degree majors. In most cases, the higher the degree level, the more potential for higher salaries and advancement within an organization or company.
Most computer science degree majors have to choose a concentration or specialization within the computer science field. Some of these disciplines include Mathematics, Comput er Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems or Software Engineering. Courses can include studying the theory of computation, databases, computer graphics, system analysis, computational science, and algorithms.
While earning a computer science degree on-campus is the traditional method of higher education, earning an online computer science degree brings the student one particular advantage a "brick and mortar" institution cannot provide: convenience. The ability to "attend" classes at any time from any location with a computer and internet access is one of the most popular and alluring characteristics of online degree programs in general. Not only that, as long as the institution is nationally or regionally accredited, the online degree is worth just as much as a degree that has been earned on campus.
Students who earn an online computer degree are certain to find a suitable career within most organizations in one of many roles. Th is particular degree is versatile and can be utilized in various ways. With high earning potentials and several career paths, it is easy to see why so many of today's students choose to seek this degree through online study.
Suggest How to Earn Your Computer Science Degree Online ArticlesQuestion by Gatorfan: What is a good high school science fair project that is easy but original and does not cost much? I have to have an idea of a science fair project by halloween. Our school has a prestigious science department and, for better or worse, it is mandatory that I enter due to the fact that I'm in Honors Chemistry. I have never participated in a science fair before and our instructor says that it can't be a project that has been done a million times in the past unless there is an original spin on it. If you do give me an idea, please include instructions as well. Thanks. Best answer for What is a good high school science fair project that is easy but original and does not cost much?:
Answer by man2190
i did one before that was interesting but really inexpensive you can even make it much much better,by adding and researching.. it deals with the principal of aerodynamics or the force of lift, drag,thrust and velocity all you have to do is get a cardboard regular cardboard those that are sold in the book supplies stores($ 65cents)(ex:STAPLES) paper($ 1) Marker sharpie($ 1),measuring tape or ruler($ 99 cents dollar store) and a watch that recors time($ 1 dollar store) or your regular handwatch which record seconds what you have to do though is make five paper airplanes of different designs and make a reference point from where you are going to toss have to throw them with the same force ,measure the distance traveled,estimate the height of each one of them,record the one's that flyed the least and the ones that flied fast. explain why different designs flyed more than others? the Airfoil Shape theory ?( how weight has effect on them?
Very well said! Getting online computer science masters can really help to put education to the next level.
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