Saturday, September 1, 2012

Good Science Fair Projects - Two Problems For Parents []

Good Science Fair Projects - Two Problems For Parents []

Figuring out what the elementary science teacher is looking for in a project can be challenge. There are science teachers who will just give out good science fair projects to send home with the students to do. For the youngest grades the whole class might do the same project. By second or third grade they might send home a list of projects to choose from. The older grades might get a specific topic and specific choices of websites to use. By middle and high school, they most likely are on their own, send home the topic, the requirements and let them find their own. On top of that, each teacher you run across will treat the whole thing in a slightly different way.

Here are two of the biggest problems parents face with good science fair projects for their children.

Problem #1 is misunderstanding the assignment.

Nine time out of ten, everything is clearly spelled out on the science fair assignment sheet that was sent ho me. Lots of schools also have these things posted online. It is very important that the parent reads this carefully. This is true even for the middle school students. You want to make sure they project chosen matches the assignment. Fortunately and teachers make you bring what you chose in for approval, but the older you get the less that happens.

The most common mistake to avoid is choosing the wrong type of project. Most good science fair projects are investigations that require an experiment where you collect data and draw a conclusions based on your findings. One of the most common type of project found online on the other had are demonstration based project. Sometimes these can be one and the same, most of the time they are not.

Problem #2 is the time factor.

It is always wise for parents to have some kind of heads up when these things are coming so they can arrange schedules. The trick for teachers is not give too much time because p eople procrastinate, it is a fact of life. So there is always a need to balance everything out.

At home, any experiment needs to be worked around the rest of the homework for other classes, outside the home commitments and if parent supervision is needed, like with most elementary school projects, the parent's schedules. Working on a good science fair projects needs the same importance placed on the calendar as sports team practices.

By combining these two problems, you can see how by reading the assignment closely ahead of time, you can go out and get the materials you need to have on hand so when the time comes to begin, it can be completed in the time you carved out.

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Question by : What is the contribution of science in the world? Is there any invention that science has made by not using materials created by God? Has science ever invented something out of nothing? Why would a F00L believe in science and reject GOD? Best answer for What is the contribution of science in the world?:

Answer by Jessica Rabbit
Science will fly you into orbit. God will fly you into buildings.

Answer by irkeist
... he asks while sitting at his computer.

If it has to be explained to'll never understand!

Answer by Sam
Level 1 troll fail

Answer by EddieJ
A God is not needed to create material that's already there.

Answer by ME
Most Western European universities were founded by the Catholic church. A Belgian priest from a Catholic university came up with the Big Bang Theory.

Answer by Allergic to Bullsh!t
that pc you used to post this question on.. well.. you think bill gates did a few hail marys and speak some tongue gibberish and then a pc magically appreared?

Answer by Fred
How silly. You claim that religion is so wonderful, but all progress in the world was made against religion and by science. Religion has contributed nothing but strife.

Answer by PeterPanda
Sc ience created the internet that you use to spew your nonsense.

Answer by Rhythmic
bad troll bad

Answer by WellTraveledProg
Every "invention" any human has ever made was done using materials not created by any "god." But no, those were never out of "nothing" -- they all made use of the materials on the earth. Just like life did. Since there's no evidence there's any such thing as a "god," claiming it made things is, well, just silly. It's no different than claiming leprechauns made everything. Peace.

Answer by Storm
Your avatar is very unattractive..........

รข€" [Science]


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