Get an A+ With Fun and Creative Science []
Question by B0X: What's the difference between science and religion? They're both a proposition of vision: Science is a proposition of what can be observed. Religion is a proposition of what cannot be observed. Thoughts? Best answer for What's the difference between science and religion?:
Answer by Matthew
The Bible is perfect knowledge. Science is imperfect knowledge.
Answer by Reflecting on the Force
Science is a discipline aimed at seeking truth. Religion is a claim of already knowing truth. Science wins.
Answer by The Portuguese Guy
The difference is that one (science) gives us actual and physical proof to back up their claims. Religion works on belief, supernatural, myth and superstition.
Answer by Creation Crusher 5000
Science isn't based on sight alone. 4th grade education FAIL.
Answer by Mopsy
There isn't any difference. Atheists hate to admit it because they hate religion so much, but Science IS a religion. There's nothing about it that sets it apart from Christianity or Islam.
Answer by John
Religion is based solely on faith. It does not require any proof, it only requires that you believe. You cannot prove that God exists, but you can still believe that he does. Science is fact based and requires evidence to support it's theories. You cannot just say gravity exists, you must drop the apple to prove that it does, and then drop it several more times to replicate the effect before it is accepted.
Answer by Andrew No nonymous
The difference between religion and science is the difference between faith and knowledge.
Answer by Everard J
One is based entirely on undisputed FACTS... The other is based entirely on superstition and woo-woo MAGIC. Jeez... I wonder which is which ;) ~
Answer by Ndio
Science says "Hey, I think this might be true. Lets find out shall we" Religion says "Hey, this is true, I know it."
Answer by Dear Dogma
The same difference between physical and metaphysical. The former being a study of the natural and the later being a study of the supernatural. They are unrelated concerns and too many people go after the straw that says evolutionary theory contradicts Christian theology. Aquinas wrote that you should never attempt to answer a philosophical question with a theological answer or visa versa...bringing into the discussion anthropology or geology makes even less sense.
Answer by Mamaof4
You are on the right track. Science can be observed. Religion cannot be observed, because it is a man made entity. However, acts of God CAN be observed if you are looking for them, and if you read the Bible and know what to look for. Same with science, actually. Science can "find" support or ignore contradictory evidence to support their hypothesis. It all depends on what you want to see.
Answer by Amber
The Portuguese Guy got it right. Religion is beliefs, myths, hopes, and so on. Science has actual evidence and facts to support it. People will say the Bible is evidence, but they only -believe- it is so, not like science where belief is irrelevant. That doesn't mean one is right or one is wrong, it just means that science needs facts to support it, while religion is based on beliefs instead.
The "world's toughest bacterium" seems to have superpowers that can survive even the deadly gamma radiation that comes from a nuclear explosion. An international group of scientists has published the results of a long study of a soil microorganism that can stand about a thousand times more Gamma rays than a human. Hi-tech spoke to Macromolecular Crystallographer Joanna Timmins: "One of the main focuses of the work in our group is the study of this bacteria called Deinoccocus radiodurans, which is extremely radiation resistant, and so we're trying to understand a little bit more how it has developed such properties, since nowhere on Earth are there such high doses of radiation that it can actually withstand." Was the radioresistant bacterium brought to Earth from Mars, as one theory suggests, or were its mechanisms developed on Earth as a side effect of drought or other distress? Its defense works on the molecular level. To see how this incredible jump between the worlds of physics and natural science works a traditional microscope will not do. Scientists use the European synchrotron, located in Grenoble, France, to discover the atomic structure of the bacterium's protein defense system. Synchrotrons produce thin beams of X-ray light using the energy emitted by electrons accelerated in a vacuum inside a circular magnetic field. The powerful X-ray beams are then "tailored" so their wavelengths can have the desired experimental characteristics, and the molecule hunt can ...
euronews hi-tech - Radiation-surviving organism yields its secrets
There are a lot of fun and creative science projects kids can do to help the environment and conserve the planet's resources. With enough kids pulling together for a common cause a big difference can be made in a community, and a good example will be set for younger kids. Getting a bunch of other students together to create one large science project that will benefit the community, will surely get you an A+ in science.
Grab a bunch of group mates to get together and do this fun and creative science endeavor. Discuss the problems if global warming and pollution in the environment with them. Once everyone has understood the problem, as well as the scientific concepts behind it, you can now proceed to coming up with solutions for your community. Your group is likely to have your own solutions depending on where you live, and they are likely to be rather creative.
One possibility for a fun and creative science project that will benefit the community is to spons or a vegetable oil filtering station in one of your homes. Creating an efficient used vegetable oil filter can be entered into the science fair, plus having a story behind it will gain you some extra points with the judges. The first thing you and your group needs to do is to create the vegetable oil filter and test it on some used vegetable oil. Most fast food restaurants give their used vegetable oil away for free and you can start by collecting these gallons of oil.
Next, filter the vegetable oil and bottle it in some recyclable bottles. Cleaned soda bottles or old but clean gas tanks is one way you can store your vegetable oil. Spread the word out that a bunch of students created free fuel for anyone with a diesel engine using fun and creative science. Give your vegetable oil fuel away for free to anyone with diesel engines. This project is not only a great science fair entry, but you are also helping your community, something that everyone will appreciate!
Y ou can take this fun and creative science project one step further and run you home on a generator, which is usually powered by a diesel engine. Running your home on generator from time to time or simply using vegetable oil fuel in your generator for anytime there is a black out will help the environment, and decrease the amount you pay on electric bills! Best of all is that you are recycling, and putting to good use some resources that often go to waste.
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