Saturday, September 1, 2012

Careers in Forensic Science Are Constantly Growing []

Careers in Forensic Science Are Constantly Growing []

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Forensic careers extend well beyond work dramatized in the television series, "CSI", and continued training might be required. Opting for online college classes and online degree and certificate programs, existing forensic specialists and those seeking to enter the field or add another dimension to a profession can continue work and other responsibilities without interruption.

Online college classes and online degree and certificate programs require little more than a computer, making them accessible from anywhere and at times convenient for individual students. Forensic degree programs and classes, like the field itself, come in a variety of subject areas. Forensic concentrations and certificate programs, in some instances even lab work, also are offered online.

A forensic scientist works to determine facts and the truth; when that individual uses scientific knowledge to help juries, attorneys and judges understand that science, he or she becomes a forensi c scientist, according to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Physicians, dentists, toxicologists, psychiatrists, engineers and more are among the Colorado-based group's 6,000 members.

Forensic specialists also exist in fields such as physical anthropology and digital and multimedia sciences, according to the Academy's website. In all, traditional and online degree-seeking students these days have a choice of more than 200 undergraduate and graduate forensic degree programs and the like in colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Degree programs in forensics can include everything from Forensic DNA and Serology, Forensic Science and Forensic Toxicology to Forensic Psychology, Environmental Forensics and Computer Forensics. Forensic Science classes introduce students to the science and its scope. In a Forensic Biology program, students learn about blood and body fluid lab tests used in crime investigations.

Computer Forensics, on the ot her hand, addresses computer and network security and collecting and analyzing computer evidence. Today's college student can also enroll in a traditional or online program in another subject area, with a forensic science concentration. Those with traditional or online degrees in various fields can enroll in online forensic certificate programs. With a forensic nursing certificate, for example, online college students can learn to advance existing skills to treat crime survivors and work with detectives on crime scene and accident investigations.

Demand for the forensic degree increased, and chemistry labs and criminal justice programs became "cool", as a result of the "CSI" television series, according to 2003 reports from the Associated Press, the Washington Post and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Enrollment in one college's forensic degree program grew tenfold over a period of four years; other institutions claimed that forensic science was their fastest growing pr ogram or that they added new forensic degree programs, concentrations, majors, minors and courses, CBS News reported. But science courses typically involve laboratory time and, into 2006, online college classes and online degree programs in science weren't so much a part of the growing distance learning trend, according to an article in Science Daily.

Related Careers in Forensic Science Are Constantly Growing Issues

Question by mnansen: What is the invention that improved science the most? A) telescope B) microscope C) car engine D) light bulb I am stuck between two. This was a question on my science teaching exam so I have no way to check if my answer was right. Best answer for What is the invention that improved science the most?:

Answer by Kenny
Sliced Bread

Answer by hawk284
Dlight bulb cuz without the lightbulb the other inventers would have had a heck of a time inventing the other invensions ;)

Answer by J

Answer by Max S
umm probably the microscope because the C and D are not really that good... and the telescope didnt improve it so much.

Answer by Sliteofhand
Gotta be the light bulb because it allows you do do so much other stuff, such as read at night without ruining your eyes like Abe Lincoln.

Answer by Artaxe
In my studies of science through high school and college I have always heard that the greatest discovery in science was antiseptics to battle germs and other bacteria. Without the microscope we would have never even known that these organisms even existed. The Microscope without a doubt is the greatest invention that improved science.

Answer by Wakki
D) Light bu lb. :) Because without the light bulb, detailed experiments would not have been able to be carried out, minute details would not have been observed, and there would not be an easy way to observe the effects of light on certain materials. The light bulb is also a decent way of generating heat should you need it for some experiment. And before you say the sun can do that, for most experiments you have to be indoors and windows are not good enough :) Also, the sun is a fickle thing and would hide behind the clouds when you need it.

Answer by John
Obviously, the invention that would improve science the most would be the one that opened the most doors for expanding science further. The car engine seems like a dead end. It is of course an important invention, but it is not really used to do more research. You could argue that you need the lightbulb to see what your doing in an experiment, but that's a stretch. And the science behind it I don't think was too ground-breaking. The two best answers are the telescope and microscope, because they were pivotal tools in learning so much about our world that we never would have known otherwise. The telescope has more limitations though. It can only see so far in the great expanse of the universe. The microscope, however, has unlocked almost every secret of the molecular world. esspecially the electron microscope, so I would think that B is the correct answer.

Answer by Oh my...
What improves science? That should be the counter question. The answer to that is: the need to know more, or curiosity. What has tickled more scientists' curiosity than the telescope. What is out there has caused us to send rockets to the moon, satellites into orbit and beyond... Good day to you Mars! I rest my case.

Answer by A K
i would think a light bulb ... just because it took us to the next level of creativity .. and made it possible for us to do things in the dark :p if not then i would think microscope because it helped discover the miniture stuff! :)

Answer by Prabagaran A
The thing which ruled, rules and will rule the world is nothing but electronic devices(mobiles, laptop, ipod etc..). The improvement in the field of electronics(from vaccum tube to semi conductor) is mainly due to the deep and thorough research in atomic physics. So, now u are in a position to guess which option lead to the development of atoms and particles. Is it not microscope???

Answer by C J R
i would have to say the microscope.

â€" [Science]


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