Wednesday, September 26, 2012

21st Century Concept of Science []

21st Century Concept of Science []

Taanya is a beautiful, intelligent and multi-faceted computer science student in Mumbai. As she is about to pass out of college, her parents begin to talk about her marriage. That's when she tells them that she likes a boy called Tej and wants to marry him. Tej also loves her but is reluctant to accept the proposal because of a problem in his family. While he does not want to cheat her by keeping the truth from her, he is scared of losing her if he tells her about his family's problem. His friends try to convince him that every family has some problem so he need not even mention it to Taanya. Finally, when Tej and Taanya's families meet, there seems to be no problem and the proposal is mutually agreed upon. A grand wedding takes place and Taanya arrives in her sasuraal. The moment of shock come when all the rituals and ceremonies are over and the guests are all gone. Taanya realizes that Tej's household is full of men, just men. All the chachis, mamis, buas e tc who attended the wedding had all gone and she was the only woman in the house. Taanya does not know how to handle this. Though in college days she was never uncomfortable among boys and she grew up with a brother, this was another feeling altogether. A life always surrounded by only men -- all strangers to begin with -- looks unimaginable. She stays put anyways but within twenty four hours she realizes that these men are like pebbles on a beach -- all different from each other and rubbing each other sour. She ...

Saas Bina Sasuraal - Episode 318 - 10th April 2012

For so long science has been considered as a subject but in the 21st century science will be relative to individuals "mental illuminatory wave length". Science is more than a subject. It is knowledge made possible by a mind quality which researches, explores and unveils the nature, behaviour and operational dynamics of matter.

Everything operates on a science. The science of matter is the hidden dimension of the nature of matter which defines its behaviour and operational dynamics. "Deep calls for deep" is the scientific revelation of the 21st century.

The 'deep' of matter is the hidden dimension of the nature of matter which defines its behaviour and operational dynamics. The 'deep' of man, is the hidden dimension of the human mind, which possesses illuminatory strength which can perceive and understand the hidden dimensions of matter without practical experiments or laboratory activities.

This implies, the scientific breakthroughs of the 21st centur y will be products of scientific minds which can ascend into knowledge without pre- experimental activities.

Thus, the laboratory of the 21st century science will not be buildings with instruments for experiments but human minds.

The human mind: This is the seat of true science. The human mind is the largest component of the human soul. Its abilities are beyond human physiological comprehension. In fact, it is the most unexploited realm of human existence.

The human mind possess abilities which when released in full efficacy, can affect the world positively in all areas. The human mind possesses illuminatory strength which can penetrate into the core of matter, bringing out the hidden dimensions of its operative dynamics.

The mind is the greatest research center with four powerful faculties. Creative, thinking, reasoning imaginative faculties. Each of these faculties possesses infinite and unlimited capabilities and can operate in relativity with othe rs for maximum productivity.

When the human mind is developed through illumination and regeneration, the four faculties of the mind begin a journey of equal and relative operation for maximum exhibition of mental exactitude. At this level the hidden dimensions of matter can be assessed without any form of physical experimental activities. This is the breakthrough which awaits humanity in the 21st century.

With respect to this concept, the scientific focus of the 21st century will be based on mind illumination and regeneration through the impact of positive and quality knowledge. As human minds develop in their "illuminatory wave length", scientific evolutions and revolutions will be the natural outcome.

The limitations of experimental science: This is the science which depends on experiments for its conclusive analysis. It has given birth to scientific breakthroughs which are characterized by constant errors and failures because most experimental analysis a re not 100% accurate, but based on trial and error. Many people are dying from plane crash, medical side effects, etc. There are so many imbalances and errors with virtually every scientific breakthrough of the 20th century.

Humanity must leave the trial and error scientific tactics to science based on exactitude. This breakthrough will be relative to the degree of mental illumination and exactitude.

Scientific exactitude: This is a scientific dimension based on mental exactitude in scientific analysis. Exactitude is a level of accurate or exact analysis based on "hyper illumination". This degree of illumination is not possible without Divine knowledge. Divine knowledge is the infinite omniscient dimension of knowledge equal and relative to the infinite dimension of the mind. It contains the original principles which define all of life's operative dynamics.

When the human mind develops into higher mental altitudes based on illumination, its creativity and p roductivity becomes exact. This is the base of the 21st century scientific revolution.

Related 21st Century Concept of Science Issues

Question by DuNN: Engineering and Science Majors, what are some classes lower and upper divison that? you have taken inorder to transfer or get your Degree? To meet the engineering or science requirement? I live in California by the way if your curious. Best answer for Engineering and Science Majors, what are some classes lower and upper divison that?:

Answer by jonmcn49
Science, as I do not know engineering. BS ( or, BSc ) degrees will require at least two semesters of calculus and two semesters of physics. Chemistry and other areas, depending on you major. Plus all the division requirements for social science and humanities. You may even need an hour of PE in California.

Answer by hmata3
Yep. You need Calculus II, II, and III, with Differential Equations. In Science, you will need physics and chemistry. Then you need to satisfy core classes set by the state you are in. Depending on your engineering classes, you will need to take classes specific to the branch of engineering you are taking. I am a Mechanical Engineer, so I took classes focused on heat transfer, mechanical design, and metallurgy.

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