Friday, August 3, 2012

Your Kid's Science Class []

Your Kid's Science Class []

Many parents are puzzled and taken aback by the number of topics and the complexity of today's science lessons for kids. Sometimes parents look at their children's notes and textbooks and think to themselves that they can not remember learning this lesson, or they remember learning it at a much later grade. Admit it, it happened to you! Do not worry, it is very normal for you to be surprised by your kid's science class. Truth is that kids are learning concepts faster than before and with all the modern advances being made in science, there is always more to learn!

The life sciences which you probably remember as biology, focusing on cell reproduction and photosynthesis now introduces the concepts of cell division at the fifth grade. What you were learning in high school, your kid's science class now teaches in the last year of elementary! To help tutor your kids with life sciences, always read their textbook a chapter ahead of them, and supplement your reading wi th some online research. You will find that you are learning some new and interesting concepts, and it will prepare you for the questions your child will throw your way!

Back when you were reading school books, earth science told us that there were nine planets in our solar system, and one asteroid belt. Well, nowadays, kid's science teaches them that there are only eight planets in the solar system, four dwarf planets (Pluto included), and two belts that orbit the sun. Right, two belts, that is news to you, isn't it? Like life science, earth science is constantly changing because of the new discoveries being made everyday. What was once a simple study on the different types of rocks, now discusses how to carbon date a rock!

One of the safer sciences in terms of how much new knowledge is added is physical science. This is because the laws of physics have held true for many generations, and when the complicated part of physics comes in, your kids will be in colleg e and probably studying physics as their major. Also, developments in physics usually involve the very confusing and complicated formulas which no kid's science class will discuss unless your kid is in a school for geniuses. This makes it rather safe for parents as long as you and your child can keep up with the pace in which it is being taught. Chances are that you will be able to do so, this is one science you need not worry too much about!

On a final note, keep up with your kid's science class by keeping yourself up to date in the world of science. Try to read some science news online, and keep tabs on what your child is learning. Do not be afraid to speak to your child's teacher either. Many teachers appreciate it when parents want to help their children learn more and better, so all your efforts will be very welcome. Remember that when you can teach something to your child, they are likely to learn it faster and better!

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Question by : Can a computer science graduate become a doctor in medicine? Do i need to enroll extra classes? I am about to graduate in BS Computer Science. But I recently realized that I want to be a medical doctor instead. If I pass the National Medical Admission Test, can I go to medical school? Or do I need to take another Bachelor's Degree which is focused on the basic sciences (like Biology, Chemistry, Physics)? I'm really determined to become a doctor. What should I do? Thanks! Best answer for Can a computer science graduate become a doctor in medicine? Do i need to enroll extra classes?:

Answer by its_victoria08
If you can pass the exam, you can, technically, go to medical school. However, medical schools are very selective and look at your bachelor degree program to determine if you are right for their school. They would probably choose someone with a relevant degree over you. I think if you are serious about this change, you should get another degree in the right area. The benefit is that with your current degree, you can probably get a good job that pays well, and that will help you get through the second degree. If another few years of school doesn't sound pleasant, I suggest sticking with what you've got your degree in.

Answer by Bent Snowman
You are not going to be able to pass the test without taking those classes. In America, you do not need a specific major, but just need to take a prescribed list of classes and take a standardized examination. If you do not take the classes though, you will not be able to self-study your way to scoring well enough on the exam, especially in new topics that require semesters worth of practice in order to develop a strong enough ability to solve the kinds of problems you need to be able to. The other problem is that even if you do well enough on the exam, only about 2 out of 7 applicants get into med school. The competition is very tough, and you need pretty perfect grades to get in (in 2011, the mean science GPA was 3.66, while the cumulative GPAs were higher). This can potentially be a problem for someone that studies CS, where your grades just might not be competitive enough to stand up against pre-med applicants with near perfect grades (there is no leniency or special treatment with regards to applicants having a 'tough' major, everyone knows the rules going in). If you are in America, you need to get an MCAT score of say 32 to be competitive for mid-tier schools, then you have to have the grades to match. Med schools technically can accept you without the coursework, but I do not see why they would, the pre-med coursework is introductory and foundational, you need to have your med students know that stuff beyond the small comfort of them being able to score well enough on a standardized exam.

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