Monday, August 6, 2012

When You Need an Easy Science Project []

When You Need an Easy Science Project [] A l'Experimentarium de Copenhague, une musée scientifique, Cecilie dissèque un poumon pour démontrer comment il fonctionne. Elle est animatrice et elle n'a que 15 ans. Son rôle : promouvoir la Science chez les plus jeunes. "Je trouve ça super de pouvoir devenir ce que je veux, toutes les options sont ouvertes pour moi, notamment une carrière de scientifique", s'enthousiasme Cecilie Kaspersen. "C'est une possibilité, je n'ai pas encore décidé de ce que je ferai plus tard mais j'aime bien cette idée." Des études montrent que les filles sont tout aussi intéressées par les sciences que les garçons et tout aussi capables qu'eux. Cependant, faire une carrière de chercheuse pour une fille, c'est rare. Dans un domaine majoritairement masculin, les stéréotypes sapent le moral des filles. "On entend souvent des remarques du genre "Oh, quel est le problème ? Les femmes aussi peuvent travailler dans la science" et en effet je pense que l es gens pensent comme ça aujourd'hui", explique Sheena Laursen, coordinatrice du projet TWIST. "Mais au Danemark, plus on monte dans la hiérarchie, moins on trouve de femmes. C'est vraiment dommage aussi pour les hommes que pour les femmes." Un projet de l'Union Européenne tente de lutter contre les préjudices causés par l'inégalité homme-femme dans la recherche. Les chercheurs sont en grande majorité des hommes, notamment en sciences et en ingénierie. Un grand nombre de femmes passent à côté de belles opportunités de carrière. Cet ...

euronews futuris - Les femmes et la science

It's Friday night, and you've been putting it off for a month. But on Monday, your child's science project is due. And you haven't even started. You need an easy science project that can be done quickly, but it has to be good...

It's not an easy thing to find! Science projects that are easy often don't meet the requirements of the teacher or the science fair. And projects that are fast often aren't enough to teach your child anything. We know. With four boys, our family has waited until the last minute to do a science project more than once. But the good news is that there really are good science experiments that can be done quickly and easily.

Find out exactly what type of project your child needs. Some teachers want a demonstration science project that the child can present to the class. Some teachers want a science report. Occasionally, scientific models or nature collections will be allowed. Most teachers, however, want an experiment based science project that follows the scientific method. Ask your child for several ideas. He or she will be the scientist, after all! Do an internet or library search for "science projects on..." You may find exactly what you need this way. Make a list of possible projects. Go ahead and discard projects that are on advanced chemistry. Take a look at the ingredients and equipment. If there are items not readily available or are wickedly expensive, you'll know that project isn't for you. There are plenty of experiments that can be done with things in the home, or at the supermarket. Find out how long the project takes. If it takes more than two or three days, you probably want to reconsider. The ideal easy science project will not take more than a few hours, in case something goes wrong and you have to repeat. And unfortunately, this does happen.

Although an easy science project isn't always easy to find, you and your child can work together to find a project that is easy to do, but also educational and fun!

More When You Need an Easy Science Project Issues

Question by : What threats does science pose to humanity? What should governments and organizations do to marginalize these? What threats does science pose to humanity? What should governments and organizations do to marginalize these threats? Best answer for What threats does science pose to humanity? What should governments and organizations do to marginalize these?:

Answer by Phillipe
This sounds like the losing side of a debating argument. Without medical science there would have been no cure to polio or measles and the average life span would still be 34 years. Without science religious extremists/fundamentalists would gain power as they did in the dark ages. Without science communication would be limited to how far a person could shout.

â€" [Science]


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