Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Traveling With Your Kids in Singapore? The Science Centre Singapore is a Must-See For Your Kids! [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Traveling With Your Kids in Singapore? The Science Centre Singapore is a Must-See For Your Kids! [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Question by : What if science is completely wrong about everything? Where would we be if we didn't allow science to explain even the simplest things like fire? Perhaps the religious ones are right, that fire is purely a miracle and nothing more or less? Would we now have all the material things that science has given us? Is it not sinful for a religious person to make use of these material things that only science has produced? I'm puzzled? Best answer for What if science is completely wrong about everything?:

Answer by Anon
Then that means disregarding every little knowledge you've obtained and we go back to the dark ages.

Answer by ☦ Orthodoxy Or Death ☦
Science does not produce material things.

Answer by IanCorrigable
You must mean the Promethean fire myth.

Answer by Dul
If science was completely wrong, I'd have Buddhism to fall back on. At least the Dali Lama is a real person, and not a fictional character.

Answer by d.k.
Who said fire was "purely a miracle"? Nobody I know of. Now, matter --- there's a miracle.

Answer by J A
Well, perhaps religious one's are right, but they can't come close to proving it. In fact, religion routinely answers one mystery by invoking another mystery. Science on the other hand is in the business of seeking out the truth using observation and experiments which can be repeated. There really isn't much to puzzle about.

Answer by blu7
God created everything in the universe, and he had a plan for everything. how it would look, how it would work.

Answer by We Wish to Buy Your Shoes
Then science will have been proved wrong, and will start over with fresh new theories.

Answer by Omar G.
hahaha i know exactly what you mean, i am in the exact same situation you're in and it sucks.

Answer by The Answer
Wasn't the power of the atomic bomb enough? Or the discovery of Penicillin?

Answer by Erin
Science and religion compliment each other. Religion is the WHY, while science is the HOW. If we didn't have science, then we would all still be worshiping volcanoes as false gods, and that's against the ten comandments, so really they have each other's backs. In theory.

â€" [Science]

fr.euronews.com De nouvelles étoiles de mer ont été découvertes dans les fonds marins de l'océan pacifique. Ce sont des chercheurs péruviens et parmi eux le biologiste marin Yuri Hooker qui les ont dénichées Ils ont plongé au large de Punta Sal une station balnéaire au nord du Pérou baignée à la fois par les courants d'El Nino et de Humbolt. Retrouvez nous sur : Youtube bit.ly Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter twitter.com

euronews science - Pérou : de nouvelles étoiles de mer

The Science Center Singapore is a very ideal place for families together with their children to both enjoy and also have a truly educational trip in Singapore. The property is of Singapore's governmental initiatives that holds Science related exhibits that displays the latest modern inventions and historical collectives. Their construction was first thought by the Science Council of Singapore planning to promote scientific education for the country's rapid development.

Children will very much enjoy seeing the latest inventions and science discoveries that can also be additional for their educational knowledge. They will also enjoy chances of seeing to these latest inventions and get to hold them close and try them out. There are also regular seminars discussing about the latest in the field of Science.

There are programs being held regularly such as the Science Exhibition programs where one may get to learn the latest development of Singapore in its certain aspects like the social, science, economical and environmental developments. This would give the children idea of how to care and how important these aspects are to human life.

Another is the Science enrichment program where in the Science center children are taught how to participate in various Science investigations and be a part of the growth of the Science industry. That way child would have much interest with the Science subject. This program is made annually and is attended by more than 150, 000 students both local and foreign.

There are lots of interesting things that will definitely amaze the children. A visit here will fascinate every child's eye with the things that the Science Center displays and exhibits. You and your children will have so much fun! Come and visit the Science Center Singapore any time of the year; more ideally during held programs to explore more of what's new in the Science industry.

This trip is a one of a kind trip that is a part from being educational, a fun and exciting trip too. People of any age will have the best time when they visit the Science center being one the famous and ideal places to go to for the whole family. The Science Center is open from morning until early evenings so you'll have much time investigating what the Science Center has to offer. 

Suggest Traveling With Your Kids in Singapore? The Science Centre Singapore is a Must-See For Your Kids! Topics


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