Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tips For Integrating Science Process Skills in Lessons []

Tips For Integrating Science Process Skills in Lessons []

Question by Cheers2U: How to setup a Science lab for a preschooler in home ? I have a basement and I would like to setup a mini science lab for my 4 yr old. Nothing outlandish, I would basically like to setup a play area for her where she can play with sand, water, do some mini science experiments with everyday objects but not making the basement too messy. How can I setup one without making it a construction project using concrete etc... Thanks for your suggestions Best answer for How to setup a Science lab for a preschooler in home ?:

Answer by Bittersweet22
Just have laminate flooring, or cover floor in washable blankets-like ones used for camping! This way mess doesnt matter. You can have cork boards on the walls for her to stick pictures and things up-also stops mess getting on walls. You can have things like: -as you said sand and water tray-maybe some boxes with buckets, spades, jugs, sponges, pipes (you can buy from DIY stores) etc so she can choose what to use and combine equipment. -Nature area: maybe plants or things she's collected from outside so she can see science in the natural world-eg growth of a flower! Or you can make a worm farm or ant farm to watch. -Living creatures-similar to above-maybe fish or giant land snails for her to watch and care for. -HAve messy play such as cornflour, playdough, jelly etc than she can explore and have fun with! -Have open play area in their where she choose direction of the play-with long tubes, blankets, old boxes---then she has random materials for all her 'crazy' ideas :)

Answer by grandma dorothy
In addition to the great ideas already posted, bring in things for her to wonder about, such as several different kinds of sea shells and magnifying glasses so she can study them up close. supply her with magnets and a box of things to sort ouit using the magnet , such as a plastic spoon and a metal spoon, a plastic bottle cap and a metal bottle cap. When you share her excitement at the things she discovers you will be sending the information that science is fun and important.

Answer by Amber
If you don't have laminate flooring then I would suggest a shower curtain taped to the floor or something similar. But tape it because it causes tripping hazards :-) There are available sand/water tables. I personally like to switch my "sensory" every week. To keep it contained I use a dish tub (dollar store) and a plastic wading pool. Create visual boundaries. In a center, we like to use the shelving units as our visual boundaries. We make nooks and crannies and the children know...for the most part... that this "work" stays here. Decide what area you want to use for the science center and create boundaries... shelving unit(s), table(s). I would suggest at least one work table and a shelving unit. Target carries many decent shelving units for kids. That way your child can have access to various materials. I keep mine organized by using clear stelite containers and having a picture label on the container as well as on the spot on the shelf. They are well able to keep it organized if they are taught to put one thing away before starting the next. There is that magnetic paint available that you can paint on a portion of your wall...that way any "work" can but put up on display. :-) Just a little thought about tables. One thing that I notice about this age is they are just starting to enjoy "projec ts" that take more than one day. So consider a second smaller table or a portion of a larger table to designate as the "save" table. We definately want to encourage them to plan and think out their activity and continue it if unable to finish. How fun! What a great parent you are!

â€" [Science] ... Science Slam Berlin: Giulia Enders von der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt mit ihrem Vortrag über Darm und Anus: "Das Darmrohr - Darm mit Charme". --- Bitte ABONNIEREN nicht vergessen: • • • • Danke! :) --- Bühne frei für die Wissenschaft! Beim Science Slam werden interessante Abschlussarbeiten und Forschungsprojekte präsentiert. Dabei ist alles erlaubt: Angehende Wissenschaftler erzählen von ihrer Arbeit, beziehen das Publikum mit ein, zeigen Filme, Bilder, Gegenstände ... aber vor allem legen sie ihr Schicksal in die Hände der Zuschauer, denn sie bilden die Jury und bestimmen, wer zum Science-Slam-Sieger des Abends gekürt wird. • --- Keywords: Science Slam Darmrohr Darm Anus Verdauung Dickdarm Dünndarm Menschen Tiere After Speiseröhre Mikroorganismen Darmflora Darmlänge Schließmuskel Institut Fachbereich Medizin Vortrag Goethe Universität Frankfurt Main Berlin Lido Giulia Enders .

Darm mit Charme (Science Slam)

Integrating the science process skills as one of your teaching strategies requires no drastic changes in your teaching style. It merely involves making the processes of science more explicit in lessons, investigations, and activities you are already using in your science curriculum.

The science process skills are the methods used by students to conduct investigations and understand how we know what we know about the world in which they live. This often means going beyond the textbook and supplementing the core-content within textbooks with hands-on, minds-on activities. It also means using your course content as a means for exposing students to the real processes of science.

In the book, Nature of Science: Part, Present, and Future (2007), Lederman indicates these methods involve making explicit references to the science process skills and allowing students time to reflect on how they participated in the process.

Explicit Teaching Strategy

< p>Shifting from an implicit strategy for developing increased student understanding to an explicit teaching strategy helps ensure students make the connection between science processes involved within an investigation and science content.

One example -

During a lab investigation involving the graphing of a large amount of data students collected - ask them to first draw conclusions on the meaning of their data before graphing it.

Then have them draw additional conclusions after graphing the data.

This process emphasizes the importance which visual representation brings to data analysis.

Using Real Data

Nothing can compare when students collect real data personally or use real data from remote networks such as satellites, buoys, or seismic sensors. Using real data in the classroom in any learning process supports student learning through support for:

inquiry and participation in the scientific method. ability to design experiments. effective evaluation of data uncertainties and applicability. using quantitative and critical thinking skills. measurement skills.

The Real Value of These Strategies

We know our students bring misconceptions to the science classroom and these misconceptions must be acknowledged before new, more accurate concepts can be learned. These strategies help students recognize their misconceptions and teachers help students overcome them.

Students need to appreciate and value science as a way of knowing. The process of science, such as debate, can cause the general public to mistrust what they hear from scientists. If we teach our students how science works, they are more likely to interpret a scientific debate with ability to separate right from wrong based on their personal experiences.

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