Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Fall of Utopia and the Fault of Science []

The Fall of Utopia and the Fault of Science []

Question by : How come people think science is the only way to find truth? I think emotion is the best source of truth. Science disproves itself. According to science we're all living in a alien's computer simulation (if you don't believe me, look up Nick Bostom and the simulation hypothesis). And if we're living in a computer simulation, how can we trust science (the study of the physical universe) if the physical universe isn't real? Best answer for How come people think science is the only way to find truth?:

Answer by L. E. Gant
The simulation hypothesis is NOT science. It's an idea for a thought experiment, and the basic conclusion is that, if the simulation were good enough, we could not tell the difference between it and reality. So, we'd reach conclusions based on what we observe, just as we do in real life. As for "science disproves itself", this is nonsense. It's a bad interpretation of Karl Popper's view that science progresses by falsification - showing that a previous hypothesis or theory is not true, which implies that the theory replacing the old one is "truer". But it does need an old theory and a new one. Emotion is useful, but truth has to hold physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually (the last has nothing to do with religion). Yes, science does contribute to this, physically and mentally at the very least. But no one of those aspects is big enough to be the truth.

Answer by Munny!
I know that this doesn't belong in a science question/ answer but I once observed several severed alien heads in a white space/ room , in alignment with one another. Yeah, well...but, this is coming from some one who also thinks he may have saw another dimension, so carry on as you were... ________________________________________________________________________________ Of course, I don't think that this is the truth. But, for me, it is reality. Truth can be tested, believed in , and true science doesn't contradict strong evidence of the truth.

Answer by Frank N
I find the philosophy of Solipsism entertaining but useless. Learn about both science and the emotional brain. The reference gives an excellent overview, well supported by evidence, of what we now know about the emotional brain.

Answer by Mike1942f
Your example is silly as a basis for discussion. Emotion doesn't find truth, just more emotion. Science is a set of rules for examining problems and describing the results. Unlike the Fox News viewers opinion not everything is just opinion and not even true that all opinions are equal. We learned from Einstein that even the "Laws" of Gravity were actually the Theory of Gravity and could be updated without destroying what went before - unlike Creationists who declare the Bible inerrant and say doubting even one bit destroys Christianity and then try to make Science behave the same way.

Answer by asgspifs
Because it is. Emotion is useful sometimes, but other times hinders the search for truth. Science progresses by self-criticism and self-correction - this is why it is the single best set of methods for progressively determining the truth (or as close to the truth as we can get) about reality. No, science does not say we are living in a computer simulation. And even if one scientist suggested that as a thought experiment, it would not speak for all of science.

Answer by David D
I have news for you... Nick Bostom is NOT science... Intuition and emotion is a lousy source of truth. In fact, it is no source of truth at all...

Answer by uniontera
Time has two properties. Progress(related to evolution) and Event(related to Creation) by turns. and Probability exist between two properties. Mobius strip explains it very well. (one progress, one event, one probability) This is my opinion >> Chicken (event) -> Egg (progress) & Egg (event) -> Chicken (progress) Schrodinger's cat was placed between one properties, just event. So, probability can not exist. The reason, Wave-particle duality of light. I think so. Progress / Event / Probability is a time. This is my trinity. --------------------------------------… Does time have the shape? Does soul have the shape? Everything has the shape but these two in the world. So, I made a great assumption "Time is soul(thinking, knowledge, memory, etc.)". It was the beginning of my thinking, UNIONTERA. We know... To our great discouragement, these doesn't have one way by us. Time walked to science way. Soul walked to religion way. So, I gave you a new way uniontera for the great reconciliation. Light up candle for a second. A second of light exist permanently or not? --------------------------------------… Einstein deceive our world. Where is your common sense? I mean, why he didn't tell us this so easy common sense. The only base which can be the cause of Einstein's assumption... [Assumption] "principle of constancy of light velocity". [The only base] "Time of light is different from the starting point time." This only base is not an assumption but a common sense. Can you see? In my opinion, he already knew this base. This common sense is a certain evidence for me. This is my uniontera. Existing is the time expressed by light itself. - Point - 1. Arrow A is the laser work. (I mean, same time) 2. Arrow B is the reason of gravity. (also, Higgs boson / I mean, different time) 3. The rose line is the beginning light. (result from Bible) 4. The existing of different time. (result from relativity of light) 5. 2 dimension is not a space. (result from math) 6. Universe(I mean "everything") came from nothing. (result from 5) 7. Progress / Event / Probability is a time. (Search my question. Already I told you so many time.) 8. Wave-particle duality of light (result from 7) 9. Meeting of different time (Cause of Rotation) 10. Your so-called black hole is a wholly condensed time. (Time is 0, result from math) 11. The reason of "your so-called magnetic field" (result from step3 & step4) 12. etc...everything. Existing is the time expressed by light itself. Your touching everything is a time. YOur nonsense came from one time. Uniontera is a KEY. English is not my first language, sorry! If it is difficult to understand, just remember "Your touching everything is a time". This is the only one result of uniontera.

â€" [Science]

We have been talking about the foundation of the Demon World and are about to go into the 'Book of Judgment', in both cases, into a world that science would call unrealistic (or philosophy), and taken in by faith. I am not saying we do not need science, but I am going to say, in so many words, science is not knowledgeable, enough so, at this stage to hold the key to the freedom of knowledge of such a great understanding it would take to see beyond their noses, in essence, science does not have what it takes to fill the gap. Matter of fact they still cannot figure out if a black hole is really a black hole in space, they got to take it by faith that their theory is correct, not scientific reality here. As they claim all religion needs to be reliable.

Satan came up with a royal act when man created science in place of God. In that he has taken prosperity, pride and intelligence and culture and created a continuous aspiration out of imagination by putting science in control and proclaiming this is the way to a perfect social order, Plato's Utopia, or Bacon's New Atlantis. But if we look around the corner what do we find? Chaos that is what life is all about, ever since Adam left the Garden. There was never any Utopia, slavery perhaps it's all part of a generous scope of the Devil's imagination and man's weak point, self-interest in the here and now, materialism. The story begins artfully in the Garden, but even there, a few folks got restless. Thus, before Adam it was chaos also.

When science can step into the substance of the forth to sixth dimensions, which surround our Universe, then it will understand religion, because science is based on the realm of reason, evolution is based-for the most part-on faith likewise, and theory. Should we then abandon it? As the philosopher or scientist would have us do because they cannot understand religion. Science would demand we should reproduce what we claim, or see, or experience-in r eligion, for it to be of any substance. Yet it does not demand that of it self. Science would say: religion is based on morals. This is false; morals will allow you to live a better life, as science will allow you to live a more comfortable life also, both will allow such freedoms. Without prosperity, you cannot have science or advancement in it. Thus, prosperity, science and religion, make you happy, or can, both derived from a questionable sense, something experienced. If you have a corrupt mind, or your mind is corrupted, you may never experience what other religious people can; likewise, if you do not study science, how on earth are you going to get to the moon? We have here pure science and pure religion-in both cases, we need pure motivation.

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