Friday, August 3, 2012

Social Sciences Offering Interesting Study Programs and Career Opportunities []

Social Sciences Offering Interesting Study Programs and Career Opportunities []

Ron Seely has covered science and environment for nearly 20 years at the Wisconsin State Journal. He also teaches science communication to students and scientists at the University of Wisconsin. Through this blog, Seely will be exploring and sharing ... Seely on Science: Heat waves more deadly than hurricanes, floods Scientists have confirmed the discovery of a new planet similar to earth. According to NASA, Kepler 22-b lies 600 light years away and is roughly 2.5 times the size of earth, with an average temperature of 22C.

euronews science - New earth-like planet discovered

Social sciences include disciplines that are not part of natural sciences. Political science, sociology, journalism, anthropology, linguistic, history, behavioral science, and women's studies are some of the study programs offered by a social science department in any university or college. These study programs are quite popular, because they offer great career opportunities.

In ancient times, mathematics, history, and literature were all considered the same. However, with the passage of time, social science became a distinct field of study. Today these subjects have their own theories, methodologies, and study principles. These sciences are quite different from natural sciences, such as mathematics, in the way they are taught and in their area of focus.

Study Of Society

Social sciences explore the human society from various angles. For example, political science explores the development and functions of government. One of the ways it explores the dev elopment of government is by studying the behavior of various rulers throughout the history.

Sociology, on the other hand, studies human behavior and pattern of human interaction within the society. In sociology, students study how human behavior is influenced and governed by factors like, religion, society, and laws.

Therefore, those who are interested in studying society, government, or human behavior should take up one of the social sciences as a major subject. If you are not quite sure whether to choose political science or sociology, you can always talk to a counselor who will be able to guide you properly.

Career Options For Political Science Graduates

These study fields are quite popular, interesting, and offer great career opportunities. For example, political science graduates can become future politicians or civil servants. However, these are not the only two options available to them.

They can also pursue a teaching career. With a gra duate degree, one can become a high school teacher. Those who are interested in becoming a professor in political science at a college or university will need to first get a masters and PhD degree in that subject.

A degree in political science, which is one of the favorite subjects among social sciences, also opens door to becoming a legislative aid, campaign manager, district attorney, or judge.

A degree in sociology also opens many doors to graduates. Business, counseling, journalism, politics, correction facilities, and administration are just the areas that a sociology graduate can pursue as a career.

It is very clear that all the study fields in social science are rewarding in terms of learning experience and career options. Moreover, social science study programs are offered in almost every college or university. Besides opting for degree programs in social sciences, students can also opt for diploma or certificate programs. Whatever study program you choose, make sure that it matches your study interests and career dreams.

The Cost Factor

Though there are plenty of social science study programs to choose from, yet many students cannot pursue them due to cost factor. It is no secret that in recent years, tuition fees have increased dramatically and this has put many colleges out of reach of many students.

However, you should not give up your dreams simply because of the cost. You can apply for scholarships or financial aid to pay for your tuition cost. As far as saving on college textbooks is concerned you can buy secondhand books. Better yet, you can shop online for your college textbooks. Online stores offer cheap college textbooks and can help you save hundreds of dollars every semester.

With proper planning and budgeting, you will be able to pursue your studies in social sciences and enjoy a great career in the future.

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