Sunday, August 12, 2012

Science Projects For Science Fairs - Projects That Win []

Science Projects For Science Fairs - Projects That Win []

Question by Nani40987: How long should a science fair research paper for a sixth grader be? I have to do a research paper for Science Fair and I was wondering how long it should be. Best answer for How long should a science fair research paper for a sixth grader be?:

Answer by Kim Jonas. =)
It depends on how much your school says. I'm in 8th grade & ours has to be 3-5 pages. I'm going about 4. When I was in 6th grade I did 3. & In 7th grade 4. So, it depends on your school. Ask the teacher tomorrow.

Answer by Belarious
When I did one I did 2-5 I was in 7th grade advanced. in 6th it was 1-3 in 8th it will be around 4-7. Ask your teachers how long it should be.

Answer by Lizard King
It depends on the scope of what you are trying to cover and the depth of the material. A truly brilliantly written paper might only be a page long. I would expect however that with a bit of an introduction and conclusion that the whole thing would be longer. As someone else said, the expectations of you audience are also important.

â€" [Science]

So it's that time of the year again? Time to wow the judges with your impressive science skills? If you want some science fair ideas, you've definitely come to the right place. So get ready, because I'm about to give you the free resources to a winning project!

What makes good science projects?

The most important thing to keep in mind is to pick a topic you are interested in . This project should be fun, and you should learn a lot from doing it. Also, make sure that you can do a test to explore your idea. Reports and observations are fun, but not for a science fair experiment. For example, if you wanted to know whether frozen or liquid water is heavier and why, you would need to construct an experiment to learn this information. Make sure you can do it almost all by yourself. After all, you are the one learning and entering the contest, not mom and dad. It is very important that your project is not harmful to yourself or others. Keep it safe and fun! Be sure it answers your questions but also helps you to create more. Why stop after just one experiment?

Choose your project Because this is your project, make sure you pick something interesting. Also, make sure it's creative. There's nothing worse than picking one of the same science projects as everyone else. Need a little help thinking of something? Here are a few ideas...

Look around you . What is interesting or confusing? What catches your eye? Using your experiences is always a good idea. If you've always wondered about how or why something works, now is a great time to check it out. Use the library . With so many exciting books focused on science, the library is bound to give you a great idea when it comes time to do your science fair project. Look through titles, use the computers, or give the magazines a look. Watching TV and commercials can always give you an idea or two. Question something you see. Are two shampoos really that different? Look at a newspaper . Current and local events are a great thing to research.

Of course, you can always come up with you own idea as well. Be creative, and have fun! Do your project. This is the best part! You finally get to test your ideas and observations. Here are some suggestions that will make sure that you have an awesome project...

Make sure to gather enough information and research. Since you are interested in your project, this probably shouldn't be a problem. Taking notes is a great idea. Highlighting magazines or articles always works. Be sure to use the scientific method . Real scientists use the scientific method in their science projects, and you should too. Remember, the scientific method has 6 steps Ask a question. Do background research. Create a hypothesis. Do an experiment that tests the hypothesis. Analyze data. Present your results for others to see

Present your science project

You finally get to show off what you've been working so hard for! Get excited and be confident when answering judge's questions. Here are some ideas for ways to present your findings:

Charts :- pie charts, graphs, bar graphs, histograms! These are all great ways to display what you discovered. Display:- these are great because you can include pictures, charts, write-ups, or whatever else you want! Make sure it is neat though and not a messy display. Make sure you include your research and scientific method. Short Report:- this gives you the chance to summarize what you discovered in your experiment Related Science Projects For Science Fairs - Projects That Win Topics


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