Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Science Project Planning - Avoiding the "Night Before" Blues [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Science Project Planning - Avoiding the "Night Before" Blues [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Question by : Can a Political Science major choose to specialize in the political system of a single country? Or is "International/Comparative Political Science" the closest I can get to that? If I can do so, at which degree level would I actually specialize- BA, MA, PhD? What kind of job could I get, for example, in Russian history, second anserer. I have an interest in many different countries. Would I be relegated to teaching history? Best answer for Can a Political Science major choose to specialize in the political system of a single country?:

Answer by Square
It would depend on the country, clearly you could specialize in American politics, but others probably wouldn't be offered. Most likely MA you could specialize in the politics of another country. It depends on what your program offers.

Answer by Spellbound
You need to check the universities which offer courses in the countries that you are interested in; some universities have very good departments which focus on, for example, China, Germany or Russia / USSR. Then you should check the prospectuses of these universities to see if you can focus your studies on one country, or on a groups of similar countries. The best way to narrow your search is to check out the authors of books & articles that you like, to see where they teach. You should also check out the acknowledgement pages, as they also hold clues as to where your field of interest is studied. Once you have narrowed down your search to a handful of universities then you should contact them to ask detailed questions about the courses they offered, ask to speak to both the admissions tutors and any academics that you may wish to study under. In the UK I was able to focus nearly all my undergraduate degree on my country of choice. And at Masters all my study was on the USSR / Russia. Good luck!

â€" [Science]

Les images infrarouges présentées par des scientifiques sud-coréens sont énigmatiques pour la plupart d'entre nous, elles représentent pourtant une avancée majeure en astronomie. Elles montrent un trou noir qui engloutit une étoile. Une première ! Reconstituons l'évènement. Dans une galaxie à 3,9 milliards d'années-lumière de la Voie lactée, une étoile est avalée par un gigantesque trou noir. ... fr.euronews.net

euronews science - Le spectacle d'un trou noir avalant une étoile

Many students spend all year thinking about which science project they will do for the upcoming science fair. If you are one of those students that likes to prepare in advance, then congratulations - you may be well on your way to getting your project done and perfected long before it's due. Many students, however, have a harder time planning and preparing their science projects in advance.

Here are some simple tips to help you get your project completed well before the night before. Advanced preparation is the key to avoiding those "night before" blues that come from waiting until the last minute:

Do the right project for you.

One of the best ways to be sure that you'll complete your science fair project well before the day before it's due is to pick a topic that you love. Do you love plants? Then choose a project that focuses on plants.

By choosing a project that is based on a topic that you enjoy, you'll be excited and curious about your proj ect. The rest of the actual experiment will be fun!

Make a timeline.

One of the keys to success for people around the world is a timeline. A timeline helps to keep you on schedule and allows you to be certain that you have all the time you need in order to complete your project completely before the science fair.

A timeline also helps to ensure that no matter what else comes up in your life, you'll still be able to be ready. Remember, small steps add up to large results.

Your school might also have a timeline that you should use.

Ask your teacher is there is a certain time that you need to turn in your science project idea. You might also have to show your project to your teacher before the actual fair in order to ensure that you have completed the project on time. You may even have a separate deadline for your project report.

By consulting with your school's project timeline and comparing it to your own personal timeline, you will be able to develop a schedule that you can stick to without a problem. Remember: you don't have to do everything at once.

Keep a schedule or calendar.

In order to make sure that you stay on track with your science fair timeline, it's a good idea to set aside a section in your schedule or calendar to dedicate to your project. You may be able to use 10 minutes each day to draft your science report. Or, you could set aside an hour a week to plan your project and presentation.

By keeping a schedule, you can stay on track with your deadline, regardless of other schoolwork and extracurricular activities. Plus, the more you get done in the beginning, the less you have to do later.

Science projects are some of the best activities and events that students participate in. That's why you should dedicate time and energy into making sure that you create an excellent project on a topic that you actually enjoy. You will not only learn about managing your time and projects, but you never know what you might find out from your experiment if you take the time to do it right!

If you're ready to get going with your own project - before the night before it's due, your next step is to download a free copy of "Easy Steps to Award-Winning Science Fair Projects" from the link below right now.

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