Saturday, August 18, 2012

Science Lab Equipment Makes Learning Science Fun []

Science Lab Equipment Makes Learning Science Fun []

Created by Pyroman. First episode of this little series I made. It's just John, Arbiter, and a special guest, Sgt. Johnson riffing on the first cutscene of the game.

Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 1

Getting your children to become interested in science is often a difficult task. With the use of kid friendly science lab equipment and some easy projects the kids will be begging to do more science oriented projects. And will soon be searching ideas of their own unique ways to implement science into fun.

Parents have difficulty with science sometimes as much as their children do. They have the idea that it takes rocket science degrees to become science oriented. The following projects are super easy and fun. They will get your kids not only having fun with science but eager to do more.

This first project is great for teaching things such as how stuff grows, the process involved and the end results with a lot of indiscreet learning in between. As you complete each step explain the process in kid friendly terms and encourage them to ask questions. Both projects are only four easy steps but packed with information.

For step one, purchase some inexpensiv e sponges. The sea sponges that are used for crafts and painting work great because you can give explanations about where they come from. Use a microscope to let them view what the sponge looks like dry and wet. If using cellos sponges the kids can cut shapes from the square sponge. Use this as an opportunity to learn geometry.

Step two teaches why water is needed for growing food and plants. Soak the sponge and place in a baggies that has been filled with seeds of your choice. Roll the sponge around in the bag until it is covered with seeds.

Step three: tie a piece of string around the sponge or if preferred feed string through a hole in the sponge. Hang the seed covered sponge in an area that will provide lots of sunlight. In a week or less there will sprouts forming on the sponge.

Step four will teach them how to care for the plant and the result of caring for them. When sprouts have begun, remove string and place in a clay pot that has been half filled with potting soil. Sprinkle soil over the sponge and put in a sunny area until fully grown.

Parents and kids of any age love to do this next project which is a lava lamp of sorts without the light. To start fill a jar with two cups of water and few drops of food coloring. Stir will and set aside. This will teach your children how to use measurement and mixing.

Step two is adding the oil. Measure a half of cup of vegetable and pour into the jar of colored water. Allow to sit for a few minutes so the oil will separate from the water.

In the third step kids learn about weight and gravity. Without shifting the jar pour a teaspoon of salt directly in the jar. When the salt lands on the oil it will form some clumps. The clumps will begin to sink due to the weight.

Step four encourages the learning of movement, gravity and separation. After the clumps reach the bottom the salt will start dissolve and cause the oil to float back to the top. Each time you want to sink the oil, just add salt.

Science is fun for parents and children. It encourages children to ask questions and look up the answers with their parents. The more gadgets kids have the more interest they have in using them. For gifts opt for microscopes and other science lab equipment to encourage learning science.

Recommend Science Lab Equipment Makes Learning Science Fun Topics

Question by simeonxavia22: How do you make a science fair project about volcanoes? I need to put together a science fair project about volcanoes and how they erupt. I am making a paper mache model of one but I just don't know how to put the whole project together. It's for a 5th grader. I don't need to make the volcanoe, I need to put the project together. Like, on the poster board and what things I should talk about. Best answer for How do you make a science fair project about volcanoes?:

Answer by beaver
go jump inside one and get some personal experience, then you should be able to write about them and describe them in great deal. -beaver (Rock Island, Illinois)

Answer by Produce Music
use clay to make a volcano and use baking soda and vinegar and food coloring for the Lava flow should work like a foam bubbling out

Answer by drdemento61
cool site with info here

Answer by poochiepiano
well, i guess a pretty cliched one is baking soda and vinegar, and since it's for a 5th grader, it shoujld be fine. another idea is the layers of a volcano, and how magma surfaces and stuff. like, stuff coming from the mantle of the earth and the gases emitted when a volcano erupts.

Answer by ceebrah
Seriously, you are on the right track, make the paper mache model place on a tray made out of low sided card board box. Place rocks and sand around base and cover paper mache with sand like sand castle so will need some moisture, but not to wet, leave opening in centre of top of mache and sand castle place a polysterene cup inside this hollow. When you go to science fair, take some baking soda and some vinegar and some red and orange food colouring. Place small quantity of food colouring into cup add 2 tablespoons of bicard soda (baking powder) to cup then when you want it to explode (erupt) add 1/4 cup of vinegar and you will have a nice foaming frothing erupting volcanoe you can do this over and over as much as you want it to erupt, just practice first to get ingredients rig ht. You will find the colours will add to the effect as it runs down the side of the sand. Do a nice wall chart to put beside your project which gives explanations as to how volcanoes form and why and what causes them to erupt.

Are you close to a library? There are lots of book on this subject. A good author is Janice VanCleave. Another idea is searching the web. Lots of kids have done this experiment....I'm sure once you start searching the net and/or read some books related to this topic you will have more than enough information to help you finish your project. GOOD LUCK!

Answer by Tom A
You need to include: 1. A world map of volcanoes. 2. Statistics about volcanoes (average number of people died from them, how frequently they erupt and destroy things). 3. Glossy color pictures of volcanoes. 4. A scientific basis, such as .....a question "why do volcanoes occur?" .....specific hypotheses as explanations of natural phenomena (a short guess about why volcanoes erupt before the kid does any research, such as "I thought volcanoes erupted because it was like a big pimple. I wasn't sure, so I decided to research this topic.") .....research about why (check the Internet, encyclopedia or library) .....a conclusion "volcanoes happen because ..." .....and "my hypothesis was wrong. I found that volcanoes are not like pimples. They are more like open arteries, because once they erupt they keep spewing until they go dry." 5. All the good volcano projects have videos of live volcanoes (use an LCD monitor).

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