Thursday, August 9, 2012

Science Homework Help - The Best Parent Support Tips []

Science Homework Help - The Best Parent Support Tips []

A first pass of a longer video asking scientists to define science.

What is Science? version 1

The new school year brings new teachers, new policies and new projects and the need to figure out ways to give the best language arts, math and science homework help. Science can be a tough one as there are often many projects and a science fair to deal with. We all kn ow that kids are to do their own homework, that goes without saying, This article will explore several ways parents can prepare better for science homework help.

First and foremost you need to go to the Meet the Teacher night or Back to School night at your child's school that is usually sometime in September. This is when you will get a handout with all the projects planned for the year, when they will be an a rough idea of how involved the project will be. The teacher always gives tips and advice on this face to face opportunity on what they are looking for, the warn you about pitfalls from other years and give all sorts of hints on what make a good project in their minds.

It is always help ful if you show some interest in the science unit. By showing interest, then your child will be less likely to lose interest. If you ask your child to explain things to you, it makes them feel good and helps them grasp hold of what they are learning in a different way. If it is something you are not so up to snuff about, then learn with your child!

Any time you can casually demonstrate how science in general or the unit works into your everyday life, is good. Sometimes something shows up on the news, and other times examples pop up in what you do each day. Even when you follow the steps to the scientific method to solve a typical problem, just by using the same language, you are keeping science alive in a positive way. Words like prediction, or variable or summary and conclusion can easily be worked in to problem solving scenarios.

If they say they do not understand, sometimes just sitting down and reading the assignment with them, and then as you go explain thin gs to them in your own words, will help. Once they seem to have it, they should be able to go and finish the assignment on their own and you are out of the science homework help and advice business for the night.

Another important thing parent need to do is to have supplies ready at home that go beyond your normal school supplies you already have. For instance you usually need colored pencils for drawing diagrams. If an assignment is to make a model it will often mean clay, dowel rods, pipe cleaners, cardboard, lots of duct tape, and paint.

Often for science experiments baby food jars, plastic containers, heavy-duty freezer lock bags come in handy, If your school has a science fair then buying your display board, colored paper, and double-sided tape ahead of time as well as saving shoe boxes or cardboard boxes to carry things back and forth to school. This is really the kind of science homework help that can make a difference.

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Question by Poker Face: What do these five sports have to do with science? I already know a few things about why they have to do with science, when I say science I'm talking about Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency, things like velocity, levers(first class,second class, third class), friction, simple machines(pulley, gear,wheel etc...) and many more. Anyway, here are the sports: Diving (diving board- second class lever) Hockey (hockey stick-third class lever) Biking ( friction and wind resistance) Running (friction or traction) Tennis (racket-third class lever) Please use some scientific words, but easy enough for me to understand. Also, explain how and why they have to do with science. Best answer for What do these five sports have to do with science?:

Answer by Corey B
diving- flotation hockey- center of gravity Biking-centrifugal force running-anatomy--cardiovascular, coordination tennis-hand eye cordination, which occurs from the brain sending a message down the spine to the hand, holding the racket unsure, if this is what you were looking for, the question was kind of vague

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