Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Science For Kids That Is Made Fun and Enjoyable [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Science For Kids That Is Made Fun and Enjoyable [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Question by wodasha: What is the difference between computer science and computer programming ? I want to get a degree to learn how to program computers. But do I have to get a degree in computer science or should I get another degree ? And if I get a degree in computer science will I learn programming ? Best answer for What is the difference between computer science and computer programming ?:

Answer by Beaux
The computer science major curriculum is different for each school and so it isn't automatic but mostly CS programs are programming oriented. Computer science as a profession concerns itself with finding new algorithms to solve computational problems while programmers can range from code monkeys to software engineers.

Answer by Emily M
If you get a degree in computer science, you will learn programming. Depending on the requirements for your degree and your interests, you may also learn analysis of algorithms, database analysis and design, data structures, designing graphical user interfaces, network technologies, basic computer hardware, how magnetic and optical media are used to store data, data communications, how compilers work, how operating systems work, computer architecture, computer security, artificial intelligence, software engineering, etc. I suggest looking at the curricula for a bachelor's in computer science a t the colleges you might like to attend, then read the course descriptions. Some course descriptions may make no sense at this point, but they will later.

â€" [Science]

fr.euronews.net Il s'appelle Australopithecus sediba. Il a 1,9 million d'années. C'est un singe avec son petit cerveau, ses longs bras, son corps de chimpanzé. Mais c'est aussi un humain avec ses longs pouces, ses doigts courts, ses chevilles developpées et son cerveau de forme humaine. Australopithecus sediba a été découvert en 2008 en Afrique du Sud. Après 3 ans d'études, les archéologues révèlent leurs conclusions. Cette espèce pourrait être le chaînon manquant entre l'australopithèque et le genre homo.

euronews science - Australopithecus sediba : le chaînon manquant ?

Science is a difficult subject to be studied if you will look at it closely. Everything in this life, in this world, in this solar system, in this galaxy and in this universe has an element of Science to it. Simply put, Science is inseparable to life.

This is the main reason why Science is one of the major subjects in formal schooling. Often times, this subjected is either dreaded or hated or ignored by a lot of school children, especially kids. The challenge now for curriculum advisers, teachers and even parents is to make Science attractive, fun and informative for kids.

How do you exactly make Science fun but still informative for your kids? Here are some of the tips that you can follow as your guide even if you are the teacher or the parent.

Supplement the lecture with hands- on experience. This generation is lucky because the society is recognizing their need for other learning tools. Lectures no longer stand alone. This should be followed- up wi th experiential learning.

A lot of tools are very much available for you to use for your kids. There is the science kit that is complete in itself. These are readily bought in bookstores and school needs stores. They are usually replicas of a certain subject in Science. You kid will surely appreciate the Science kit.

In addition, a lot of e- resources are available for free for your students. There is interactive software like games which are designed to teach your children and at the same time provide entertainment. There are also DVDs that are educational. Have your computer installed with these software and programs.

Create/ Join unique Science activities. You can create activities that your kid will surely enjoy, but will still give him or her lessons about Science. You can have the Supermarket Science day where you will bring your kids to the Supermarket and teach them about proper nutrition by teaching them to select good foods for the body. You can c reate Saturday picnics in a nature spot and have a subtle lesson about taking care of the environment. You can also enroll your child in kid's science camps that are usually offered by schools and other organizations.

Be involved. Learning Science is easier for your kid if you will get involved too. Always make it a point that you check on your kid's homework. Ask him or her about their day in school, what they learned and what was difficult to understand. If your kid has take home science project be visible while he or she is working on it. Show your interest in what he or she is doing. Ask questions. If your kid has questions prioritize giving answers to his or her question. This is possible if you are willing to be involved and learn too.

These are just some tips on what you can do to help your kid appreciate Science. It is good to establish it this early so that they have a good foundation for their schooling, later in life.

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