Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Science Fair Projects - Secrets to a Great Project [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Science Fair Projects - Secrets to a Great Project [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Mr. S of Ken's Excellence is a highly experienced and certified teacher when it comes to preparing students for Mark Twain's Science Talent test. This program has been opened since 2002 at Ken's Excellence and has helped many students get into the program. This course consists of useful information to help students succeed on the exam. To be admitted into Mark Twain's Science Talent program, applicants are required to take a competitive 100 multiple-choice question exam. Questions on the exam will be based on grade 4 and 5 general and specific knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. Students must be familiar with the scientific method, experimentation, graph interpretation, etc. Students at Ken's Excellence go through vigorous training and develop problem solving and logical thinking skills to do well on the exam. Watch more of our videos to help prep your child today. Enroll in our Mark Twain's Science Talent test prep course at Ken's Exc ellence this summer 2012 to help your child succeed. We pick only the top 10 students for our program who have received a high level 3 on the NYS ELA and a high level 4 on their NYS Math exams in 2012. Our program is also available during the fall from 2012-2013. Look for more information on our new upcoming website.

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Science Fairs are a great way for kids learn about science on their own with only a little help from Mom or Dad. Deciding on a good idea for the project can be the most difficult part of all. So, how do you know you have a great idea in mind for your project?

Look around and ask questions when you are trying to choose a project.

The science teacher will probably have a list of some good science projects. You can choose one from the list or come up with an idea on your own. As you are choosing a science fair project there are a few things to keep in mind.

Science Fair projects are nothing more than an experiment, write-up and presentation. This means you are trying to answer a question that you have. If you have an interest in the environment you may want to find out the effects acid rain has on plants. You will have to find a way to create your own acid rain to water one of your plants with and record each plants progress.

Don't choose a project because it seems easy.

It is not considered to be a good project if you just do a report or a demonstration. These are tests performed by someone else and you are merely showing what information you know, not what you have learned through your experiment. Diagrams or models are also not considered to be a good science project because an experiment is not being performed. You are not asking a question for the purpose of running a test to find out the answer.

Choose a project, which is about something you are curious about. You will enjoy doing your project more and you will learn something in the process. Make sure your project includes a test or an experiment, which will answer a question. Science fair projects can be done on your own. You may need a little help from your parents, teachers or friends. The more of the project you do on your own the more you will learn and as long as you are interested to know the outcome of the experiment you will even have fun while doing it. Choose a project that will not harm anyone or anything. Make sure your project is safe. You don't want to hurt or scare any animal, or people, especially you. You don't want to choose a project that might be likely to explode. You could get hurt along with those around you. On the other hand you don't want your project to scare people. Accidentally letting a snake or other creepy crawlers on the loose would not go well. If you are using animals or other creatures in your experiment, make sure they will not be harmed and they are securely confined. Also keep in mind that using dangerous chemicals in a science fair project is not allowed. Choose a project that will make you want more answers. You want the project you choose to make you think of other questions you might have. One of the sure fire ways to tell if you have chosen a good project is the results of your experiment makes you think of other questions you might want answered. Also if you had fun and you learned something while doing the project, it is a good sign you have chosen a great project.

If you're ready to get going with your own science project, your next step is to download a free copy of "Easy Steps to Award-Winning Science Fair Projects" from the link below.

Suggest Science Fair Projects - Secrets to a Great Project Issues

Question by : What religion promotes science and will accept and change to new information? Like a Religion that admits the god concept they have is based on such and such information. That only science can truly reveal god to the world. That by basing the religion off of what can be determined true. Best answer for What religion promotes science and will accept and change to new information?:

Answer by Ayouda Maho

Answer by Ice ball
Agnostic Theist.

Answer by kool dude
Peace Its Islam.. For example : - In Islam pork is forbidden why For believers its God but the wisdom is MEDICAL ASPECT OF THE PROHIBITION Abstention from eating pork is a measure to safeguard health.Of all the domestic animals, pig is the most avaricious, eating anything including human excreta. It is the cradle of harmful germs and parasites. Its meat is carrier of diseases to man, thus making it unfit for human consumption. CHARACTER OF PIG All types of animals are lawful to be eaten whether those living on land or in the water except those animals specifically forbidden in the Holy Writings revealed by the Almighty Creator and the sayings of the Prophet with clear and well defined injunctions. Pig belong to the forbidden animals, and not allowed to be eaten by the believers. Pig eats almost anything dirty and they are very lazy animals. It is the most avaricious of all domestic animals. Amongst all animals, pig is the cradle of harmful germs. It's meat serves as carrier of diseases to mankind. It is this very reason that made it unfit for human consumption consumption. DISEASES CAUSED BY PORK The following lists show germs or parasites that are found in pork and some diseases caused by them. Many of these diseases are contagious while some are proven fatal.This proves that the more science advances the more Islam is shown correct as a religion of God. PARASITIC DISEASES a) TRICHINELLA SPIRATIS ( Trichina worms ) It is the most dangerous parasite to man ( Rheumatism and muscular pain). The infected persons shown no symptoms, recover very slowly some die, some reduced to permanent invalids. No one is immune from this disease and there is no cure. b) TAENIA SOLIUM ( Pork tape worm ) The worm causes malnourishment of the person leading to anemia, diarrhea, extreme depression melancholia and digestive disturbances. Cysticercosis means that larva enter the blood stream then settle down in one or more of the vital organs of the body, for example: brain, liver, lungs or spinal cord. They grow and encapsulate, inducing pressure to the system around, resulting in dangerous diseases (diarrhea, digestive disorder, anemia, chronic invalidation). c) ROUND WORMS Examples: Ascaris, which may lead to digestive disturbances, appendicitis, obstructive jaundice. d) HOOK WORMS Examples:Ancylostomiasis, which may lead to anemia, oedema, heart failure or retarded growth ( mental and physical), tuberculosis, diarrhea and typhoid. e) SCHITOSOMA JAPONICUM Bleeding, anemia and other syndromes. If ova are settled in the brain or spinal cord, paralysis and death may occur.

Answer by squeezie_1999
Religion and science are inherently inconsistant, although they might tolerate each other. A religion which was based on the human process of descerning truth by observation, experiment and reproducability of results (that's science), would be by definition the worship of human activity and experience, rather than the relationship between people and a supreme being. Science and any system based on belief or faith and fundamentally different..... even if that belief or faith is in the work of man.

Answer by Danielle
Hinduism and Buddhism.

Answer by the re - chosen one
The God Yahweh and I are working on one as we speak. Yahweh has allowed me to make the discovery that His food and hygiene laws written down in Leviticus 3500 years ago have been based all this time on His working knowledge of the germ theory of disease and the modern human body. The fact that there we re 0 humans alive on Earth 3500 years ago who had a working knowledge of the germ theory of disease and the modern human body for these food and hygiene laws to have originated from will lead to proving the existence of a non human scientific mind that was alive on Earth 3500 years ago who had a working knowledge of the germ theory for these laws to have originated from. This will change pages and pages of scripture in The Bible from what we mislabeled ancient outdated religious text back into the advanced scientific text that Yahweh originally wrote it as. This will change Leviticus from a religious book we made it to be back into the science book Yahweh wrote it as. This will renew The Bible into now being the scientific word of God. This will force the whole world into a new era of thinking on who or what Yahweh really is which will be our Intelligent Designer.

Answer by The Muse Orpheus
None, for religion is supposed to be consistent and unchanging in it s ideal form that it strives to achieve, whereas, science is supposed to be adaptable and ever-changing. In other words, religion is to have new information adapt to it, whereas science is to adapt to new information. The question appears to be a conundrum, seemingly.

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