Thursday, August 9, 2012

Science Fair Projects Can Lead to Top Jobs in the Future []

Science Fair Projects Can Lead to Top Jobs in the Future []

Question by Help in: How does environmental science relate to forensics? How can environmental science help solve crime cases and what areas of forensics does it relate to? Best answer for How does environmental science relate to forensics?:

Answer by freedomisbetter
I remember from the TV a case the police solved due to the DNA of some seeds they found in a car. The DNA was identical to a plant near the body of the victim.

Answer by brian_hubbard8
say for instance, that a murder suspect had plant particles from a crime scene on his clothes, and the victim had the same plants in his house. this would help to place the suspect at the scene.

Answer by Amanda
Forensic scientists do NOT test the DNA of plants! That's just something that CSI made up. You could determine that it was the same species of plant (by morphology, etc.) but that is as far as you would go with that. I would say toxicology most. There is an entire area of forensic environmental toxicology in which people study the toxins that are put into the environment in industry. Soil comparisons too. This is a huge part of trace chemistry. I'm sure that there are more areas that it relates, but it's the only things I can think of off the top of my head.

รข€" [Science]

If your children do well in their science fair projects, there is no telling just how far they might go with a career in science. Here is some information that you may find enlightening about various careers in science and just how much they pay. This information may help to stimulate a young student to consider a career in biology or engineering or one of the other sciences. This sort of pursuit can be very rewarding and give the young student a feeling of contributing to society with a very dignified and well paying career. It will serve the student well and make he or she a valuable citizen.

Virtually all of these jobs require at least a bachelor's degree and many will require a master's or a doctorate. The science fair projects that your children do may give you a clue as to how to help guide them into a career in science. These jobs pay over $ 50,000 a year and some as much as $ 100,000 a year. Here are more details. Make certain that science fair projects are given all of the attention they deserve.

The Government indicates that jobs in science will increase significantly during at least the next five years, and probably after that. Jobs in the environment will grow the fastest.

Jobs in the environmental sciences deal mostly with issues pertaining to resources and pollution. Over 20,000 new jobs are expected in this area and they pay over $ 55.000.

The role of the hydrologist in science is the person who studies water and rainfall. They will earn about $ 66,000 to start and work their way up if they have the proper degrees. Better do well on that science fair project if you want to be a scientist.

About 7000 new geoscientists will be needed to study the earth and its origins. For this work, they will get about $ 73,000 and up. More reason to do well on your science fair project.

The study of human health and disease is the job of the medical scientist. These specialists develop treatment and prevention of serious illness. About 18,000 new medical scientists will be needed and earn about $ 62,000 per year to start. All the more reason to carefully select science fair projects to guide students in the right direction.

Living organisms and how they are affected by chemistry and physics is the work of the biochemists and biophysicians. They will earn $ 76,000 and about 3000 are needed.

It is very important that parents and teachers encourage their students and their children to pursue careers in science and technology. The USA is far behind the rest of the world when it comes to generating new technical people, scientists and engineers and we must catch up. The future of our country as technology leaders of the world is at stake.

Over 400 kid friendly science fair projects are to be found at on virtually every scientific subject.

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