Saturday, August 4, 2012

Renaissance Science and Botticelli's Hidden Code []

Renaissance Science and Botticelli's Hidden Code []

Spirit Science full episodes 1 - 15 Watch and enjoy! This video series was done by jordanduchnycz, atlantis king & friends. please check out their yt channels for more information on this topic and for links provided in the video Stonehenge ley lines golden ratio mayan calendar Dec 21, 2012 awakening illuminati freemasons skull and bones jahbulon annunaki life after death THIS WAS DONE STRICTLY FOR NON PROFIT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Fair Use 2012

Spirit Science 1 - 15 FULL MOVIE SERIES 2012

In 1462 Cosimo Medici established the rebirth of the outlawed Platonic Academy in Florence and appointed Marsilio Ficino as its founder. Ficino's fundamental concept, derived from Plato's geometry, was about the existence of eternal wisdom of the immortal soul being central to the functioning of the universe. The only geometrical logic that can possibly accommodate such an idea is fractal logic, which, in 20th Century science could not be linked to any sort of life science whatsoever.

Did the Medici scholars of the 15th Century commission Italian artists to place hidden messages of pagan science into paintings that are now used to develop pagan technology today? A rather strong case argues that this is quite correct. We can conduct an investigation by examining two paintings commissioned by the Medici scholars, Sandro Botticelli and Domenico Ghirlandaio. Both the paintings were completed in Florence during 1480.

It is common knowledge that Botticelli's Grac es danced to the Pythagorean Music of the Spheres, imitating divine reason and cosmic order. Botticelli played a rather dangerous game by his habit of painting prominent Christian figures into the fabric of such a world-view reality. In his painting of St Augustine in His Study, Botticelli was definitely flirting with disaster. He disregarded Augustine's classification of the Pythagorean celestial mathematics embracing Epicurus' atomic structure within the human metabolism, as the work of the Devil. By painting a spherical brass book stud to depict the atom of the soul, Botticelli carefully placed it into the orbit of Augustine's halo, which, as a symbol of consciousness, linked divine reasoning with the Music of the Spheres.

There is no doubt about the heretical meaning of the painting. A book behind Augustine's head is clearly opened to display a page of Pythagorean mathematics. To the right an astrolabe for observing celestial bodies is depicted and to the left is a n armillary sphere, which is a model of celestial movement. Augustine's concentrated gaze is directed upon the celestial movement model depicting a geometer in deep philosophical thought. Celestial movement transferring divine evolving wisdom to the soul through harmonic resonance describes the scientific ethos of the 3rd Century BCE science of universal love. The scientist Giordano Bruno taught about this at Oxford University before he was imprisoned, tortured and burnt alive120 years after Botticelli painted his now famous painting with the same hidden message.

Ghirlandaio's painting of St Jerome in his Study depicts Augustine's 5th Century colleague, who was also a prominent figure in the Christian religion. We realise that Botticelli did not place his spherical image book stud into Augustine's halo by mere chance because the device was very carefully repeated by Ghirlandaio placing a spherical book stud image into his own orbit of St Jerome's halo.

The questi on as to whether this artistic depiction of pagan science influenced modern science is easily answered as yes.

The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, once alerted to Plato's spiritual optics by realising what Botticelli had attempted to depict, was able to draw up a research program to modify the optical key to Lenardo da Vinci's Theory of Knowledge. The 1991 Nobel Laureate in physics was awarded to Pierre de Gennes for his liquid crystal optics theories. The relevant discovery of a vast new science and technology by a research team the following year validated the nature of the technology that the Centre had predicted. The principal discoverer, wrote that the Centre's work encompassed a revolution of thought as important to science and society as the Copernican and Newtonian revolutions.

The Science-Art Centre instigated a highly successful research program during the 1980s to develop futuristic simple life form computer simulations based upon a Music of the Spheres methodology suggested by China's most highly awarded physicist, Kun Huang. This research has now advanced to embrace futuristic human survival simulations. Plato's spiritual optics engineering principles have also been advanced into life energy concepts that are basic to a new life science instigated by the three 1996 Nobel Chemistry Laureates.

The NASA High Energy Library has published the proposition that the Classical Greek Era's life science was based upon fractal logic. However, the linking of any life science to fractal logic is still considered by some to be a criminal heresy and such a concept remains in total defiance of Einstein's 20th Century understanding of the energy governing modern science itself.

Copyright © Robert Pope 2010

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Question by : What would be the difference between a Social science degree and a Psychology degree? Here where I live Socialologists and Psychologists work with Counselling. They have either a Bachelor in Social Science, or a Bachelor in Behavioural Science. (and some usually only have a Diploma in Social Science/Counselling). What is the difference between a counsellor with a Psychology degree than one with a Social Science degree? Best answer for What would be the difference between a Social science degree and a Psychology degree?:

Answer by Kyle K
Well, for one thing Social Science is a broad term that refers to the study of any social phenomena or behavior. Political Science, Economics, Gender Studies, Geography even...all of these may be considered social sciences...but they aren't necessarily behavioral sciences. Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology are the three big behavioral sciences (some people include economics but I don't). So if you have a behavioral science degree, it usually means that you have a broad range of studies in all three of these areas without focusing on one specific discipline. So the primary difference between a counselor with a Behavioral Science vs. a Psychology degree is just area of focus. If you are asking which is the bachelors level it doesn't really make a difference. Behavioral Scientists would be more adept to deal with how social and cultural issues affect the individual (which is mostly what counselors do), but a Psychologist would be more skilled with individual emotional, behavioral, or psychiatric problems (which mostly the expertise of a clinical psychologist with a PhD).

Answer by Jayce E
Psychology IS a social science, what your probably refering to is a sociology degree(which is a social science as well). Psychologist study the processes relating to the brain. More of a physiological science, sociologists study how societies work. Both study social interaction on small and large scale. And Economics, Anthropology, etc... are part of sociology.

â€" [Science]


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