Online Science Tutoring: Clear Concepts And Enhance Comprehension []
Question by : What role does science have in how you interpret the Bible or understand God? Some say that they are different domains, but most Christians have understood certain passages of the bible as being metaphorical only because of what science has discovered. For example, there are references to the earth being flat and having corners, but if we believe the bible to be true and we accept the scientific discovery that the world is round, only then can we be sure that the bible is being figurative when it says the world has corners. Likewise, many christians take genesis to be figurative because science has discovered that life, the earth, and the universe are much older than what a literal interpretation of the bible reveals. Best answer for What role does science have in how you interpret the Bible or understand God?:
Answer by chemical_alternative
Science has provided answers about our Earth's history. Bibles should be recycled to make science books.
Answer by Caput Algol
It doesn't. Science is real, the Bible and God aren't.
Answer by Robert D
Yes. Most sensible religions have recognised this and adapted. As they have always adapted to the changing understanding of the universe. A real challenge for the literalistic unchanging adherents to 'gospel truth'.
Answer by idoubtit
I didn't even know science existed until long after i rejected the words in that old old manuscript
Answer by gpaglia2
So, what's your question?
Answer by HUMANIST
Science does not have any place in religion & religion does not have any place in science. Science is about facts & religion is about fiction.
Answer by Anthony D
None at all. I don't consider science to be competent in the area of theology, or vice versa.
Answer by jpark43
Science is compatible with God as long as it is for God.
Answer by Beth B
As a christian who has read both my science books and my Bible, I would say that people just have to make judgment calls. There are a lot of things science has to offer, and honestly, when I read about the science of how the world works, it only points me towards this: there ha s to be a creator. The world is not here because of random chemical reactions and "science".
Answer by Superfuzz
Why would people THEN have to reinterpret these things figuratively, when the bible was written by men at a time when it was quite acceptable to make such assumptions (flat/young earth)? Why not accept that there are mistakes in the bible? In the context of your question, the progression of science simply means that christians are having to go back and reinterpret different aspects of the bible, seemingly to justify it's continued prominence in society (obviously every time a new scientific discovery is made that contradicts the bible)
Answer by jo
Scientific research has investigated the historical and cultural context of the Bible and written much regarding their findings, can advise regarding principles with which to read and interpret texts.
Answer by - Petit Chaney â -
It depend on how the believers of this small country interpret the bible's ideology of "natural philosophy" (metaphysical ideas) to their audiences...
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Recommend Online Science Tutoring: Clear Concepts And Enhance Comprehension Issues
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