Saturday, August 18, 2012

New, Useful and Unique Concepts Makes Winning Science Projects []

New, Useful and Unique Concepts Makes Winning Science Projects []

An electron microscope is a type of microscope that uses a beam of electrons to illuminate the specimen and produce a magnified image. Electron microscopes (EM) have a greater resolving power than a light-powered optical microscope, because electrons have wavelengths about 100000 times shorter than visible light (photons), and can achieve better than 50 pm resolution and magnifications of up to about 10000000x. The electron microscope uses electrostatic and electromagnetic "lenses" to control the electron beam and focus it to form an image. These lenses are analogous to, but different from the glass lenses of an optical microscope that form a magnified image by focusing light on or through the specimen

Ernst Ruska and the Electron Microscope

Winning Science projects are absolutely very helpful to a lot of students. These projects have been required by teachers so that knowledge will be gained continually. Students can absolutely benefit from those projects as they can help them to think carefully and be creative as they can be.

The student participants can submit their works that manifest their learning. These are then displayed in the Science Fair. Science Fairs held in schools showcase Winning Science projects and award the participants.

Making science projects is not easy because there is lots of researching and fieldwork involved. This project follows systematic steps that student should do to make a project valid. Although many students are making projects for the sake of passing, these projects are legitimate. These projects are checked by panel of judges as to its relevance and legality. Students cannot just make up facts because scientific explanations must be provided.

Many stude nts want to win the price as "the best project in science". Winning is not easy because one needs a very good project to start with. Many participants compete for the title and only a very good project stands a chance. It is therefore necessary that one does his best in making the project.

In the initial phase of the project, students must come up with good project ideas. The project must be creative, unique, provide new knowledge and beneficial to the environment. Nowadays, many things are invented and one must look for an entirely new concept. If one can achieve the following, the award is sure to land on one's hands.

When a new concept is discovered for Science projects, an objective must be made. The objective will serve as the focus and the target of the whole study. Without objectives, the study will go elsewhere and it will be more difficult to complete. Having a project objective also allows systematic work and avoids confusion in the process.

Makin g this kind of project requires a sufficient amount of time. It cannot be done immediately because there are lots of data gathering and researching involved. Most students hate the task but have no choice but complete it. In the end, a good finished project is worth all the hard work and pain.

Winning Science Projects contribute much to humanity and it deserves recognition and award. It is not easy making science projects because of the great deal of work involved. Yet in the end, not only the participants gain knowledge from it but everyone too.

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Question by : How can I learn more about the science behind physical attractiveness? What are ways scientists were able to discover there is a science behind physical attractiveness? What are some similiarities most cultures share regarding what makes someone physically attractive or not? How true is the science behind physical attractiveness, is it mostly a theory? Best answer for How can I learn more about the science behind physical attractiveness?:

Answer by Mike
read cosmo? I did learn one thing in some college class I remembered most societies men are attracted to more curvy women because the curvy hips have a greater area for bearing children. That's all I remembered

Answer by Him
I saw a video on it, but i cant find it.. but check out this link.

Answer by khoa
Well here's what I know off the top of my head: Some tests involve direct brain observation and observing how it behaves when it is stimulated or nonstimulated based on images of people. Others involve independent focus groups of both genders and based on their given opinions about images of people. It seems though that their is some general consensuses to physical appeals such as the geometry and balance of the face as a subconcious marker for attractiveness. The more symietrical a face is, the more attractive it is automatically deemed. At the same time, small subtlties such as asymetry can be subconciously considered unattractive. Also, it seems that hormones can play a role in that we can pick up on the hormones of others and depending on their makeup/genetic code, we can pick out who would be most attractive to us naturally speaking. And yes, it's a theory so far as it is probably something that can't be 100% proved since it also deals with people's person preferences which varies far too wildly.

รข€" [Science]


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