Monday, August 20, 2012

Middle School Science Fair Projects []

Middle School Science Fair Projects []

Presentation by Richard C. Larson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) entitled "Designing and Managing Critical Infrastructures at the Intersection of Engineering/OR, Management and the Social Sciences" at the HMC Mathematics Conference on Public Sector Operations Research on September 29, 2007. Abstract: Infrastructures comprise society's lifelines. They provide connected networks facilitating transportation, communication, and daily life needs such as electricity, natural gas, water, and sewage disposal. Infrastructural breakdown implies societal breakdown in some form. And "infrastructure" is not limited to bricks, mortar, steel and fiber-optic cables. A functioning society operates with complex inter-connected social networks that also comprise critical infrastructure. A breakdown in social networks can be just as damaging as a collapsed bridge, a massive blackout or a broken fiber optic cable. The design and operation of infrastructural systems requi res deep knowledge on many fronts. Being society's lifelines, with many infrastructural systems incorporating all the complex and oftentimes beautiful complexities of human behavior, narrow purely technocratic approaches to the analysis of infrastructural systems are usually naively inadequate. Solutions almost always need to be created from multiple disciplines. At MIT we have drawn together three required disciplines under a new umbrella called "Engineering Systems." This new field operates at the Venn diagram ...

Richard C. Larson at Harvey Mudd College Mathematics Conference

Who said Science fair projects are boring and a chore? With a little bit of imagination you can come up with a winning science fair topic that will not only be interesting but one that you will enjoy doing.

Yes, a middle school science fair project can be a really exciting time for all middle school children. Having fun working on a science fair project while learning different aspects of scientific spectrum is a great and fun way to teach all children and students that the sciences are, contrary to popular belief not a boring chore but can be a lot of fun, which is something far too many schools seem to neglect telling pupils these days.

Below is a fun and interesting middle school science fair project. This example is intended to give you an idea on how to help your child with his or her science fair project. The example is merely a blue print which can easily be built upon,

Four Eyes? Oh Please! Everyone knows someone who wears gla sses. All you need for this science project is a friend or two who wear glasses. Then before the fair, a poster board could be made with a picture of the eye, the different parts (Retina, cornea, etc) labeled, and a brief description on how we see things.

Take a pair of your friend's glasses and hold them at arms length, does what you're looking at look smaller? Or does it look Larger? If the view looks smaller, it means your friend is nearsighted also referred to as short sighted. They can see things that are close to them, but may not be able to see things that are far away, this would be a likely indication that their eyeballs may be too long. On the other hand if the view that they see is big, or even upside down, then they are farsighted also known as long sighted. In other words they can see things that are far away, but not when things are closer up to them, the probable of this is that their eye ball is too short.

Advice to Parents Have your child to do some research on the eye itself, for example they could find out why it is that some people need glasses? And in what way do glasses help? The local library should have plenty of information geared up for middle school students that would help.

Let Them Create Their Own Ideas Of course, you could read dozens of different science fair projects, but none would be as fun or as personal as you and your child working together to come up with some ideas, you may even be surprised at the ideas that your child can come up with. When thinking of ideas you could take into consideration his or her likes and dislikes, and imagine how such a project could be fun and exciting, as well as educational.

I'm sure that when you and your child sit down and really think about it, the two of you could come up with a topic that blows everything else out of the water.

Remember that this is your child's science fair project, not yours, and he or she needs to complete it. Not you, so left him or her take the lead.

Find More Middle School Science Fair Projects Articles

Question by watashikoini: What is the definition of a disease, and specifically a mental disease? Has science truly failed? I think this is the biggest failure of science and generally the world. It is full of imperfections, even though religion is not a better alternative. But, what can you define as a disease; and what can you not? First of all, we have to realize that all humans are different physically. But they should be treated equally on moral basis, and on the basis of humanity (whether its gay ppl, straight ppl, women, old ppl; they should be treated equally on moral grounds). Because people are different physically; they exhibit different behavior due to the chemistry of their body. Here is where the tricky part comes. What can you categorize as an illness/disease/disorder and what can you not? This is the biggest failure of science: why do you need to categorize things into illnesses and non-illnesses? It is clear you are letting your bias through. Modern feminists define rape that is only committed by a man on a woman. So there come the discrepancies. Why can you not accept behavior that everyone's behavior is deviant from one another. Why do we have to claim somethings are anomalies, and some are not? I know pedophilia and rape is wrong, but can you categorize is as an illness/disease/disorder? Do we have any proof that pedophilia and rape are not illnesses/diseases/disorders? Is there any proof that homosexuality is not an illness/disease/disorder? I dont think so. So why do we have to say that pedophilia and rape are done intentionally, when they could very well be 'illnesses'. And how can we say homosexuality is not a disease/disorder when it could be? The fact is that these are faulty premises. We cannot categorize things into illnesses/diseases/disorders. Everyone is different from each other physically and psycologically. That is the best way to deal with things. Science cannot even come to a consensus when (at what time period) a child in a mother's womb is alive; or whether abortion is murder or not (after what stage). So i think science has failed in that aspect. EDIT: Feminists wants the EXACT same physical rights for women that they want for men. Men and women are different physically, remember that. So I would want rights to be 'balanced out' between male and female; and that would constitute as EQUAL rights, not the EXACT SAME rights. EDIT Is there any proof that homosexuality is NOT a disorder/illness. Then why does science say it is NOT a disorder/illness? Is there any proof that pedophilia/rape is NOT a disease. Please answer these questions, and give me conclusive studies NOT theories for this. Evolution as you like it or not is NOT proven, it is a THEORY. I also mentioned religion is not a better alternative. Peter H: I AM NOT PROVING ANYTHING LIKE SCIENTISTS ARE TRYING TO DO, AND AS A RESULT OF THAT CAUSING OUR SOCIETY MORE HARM THAN PROTECTION. I DONT WANT TO DISCRIMINATE PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES. I BELIEVE THAT EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, AND EVEN IF THEY HAVE SOME BAD TRAITS; THEY CAN BE CURED WITH LOVE, NOT SCIENCE OR RELIGION; AND CERTAINLY BY NOT CALLING THEM MENTALLY ILL. I DO NOT WANT TO CATEGORIZE THINGS INTO ILLNESSES AND DISEASES. I ACCEPT EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY, BUT THEY SHOULD BE TREATED WITH MORALITY AND LOVE. NOT BY CALLING THEM MENTALLY ILL. THATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU AND ME. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HUMANIST AND A SCIENTIST/RELIGIOUS FANATIC. I BELIEVE ALL KINDS OF VIOLENCE/DISCRIMINATORY BEAHAVIOR IS WRONG. THE THING IS, YOU CHOOSE SCIENTIFIC 'OPINION' BECAUSE IT SUITS 'YOU'. WHAT IF DOESNT SUIT ANYONE ELSE? THINK ABOUT IT. WHY DO YOU HAVE A CUT-OFF POINT FOR THINGS IN SCIENTIFIC STUDIES? ISNT YOUR BIAS COMING IN THERE? WHY DIDNT YOU CHOOSE ANY OTHER CUT-OFF POINT FOR MAKING ANY CLAIMS? Adam: WHAT DOES 'FUNCTIONING CORRECTLY' MEAN LITTLE BOY???? DONT GO CRYING TO MOMMY!!!! POOR KIDDO!!!! Best answer for What is the definition of a disease, and specifically a mental disease? Has science truly failed?:

Answer by Jeff D
This is cute, go get an education.

Answer by Peter H
I am sure you feel much better for that little rant, which, if I understand it aright, implies that nobody is responsible for any of their actions, which are determined entirely by their body chemistry. If that is what you believe, then you will be when understanding when I come and burn your house down because that is in my body chemistry. In fact society has evolved through an understanding of appropriate relationships between its members (understanding the concepts of right and wrong confers a benefit on the members, even at the expense of a limitation of freedom). I will happily give up the freedom to murder you for the benefit that you no longer have the freedom to murder me. Society now has to deal with those who transgress the rules. We can separate out the ill from the merely deviant, an important classification, because we can pass the ill persons to a process of treatment, and the otherwise deviant to a process of justice. The fact that medical treatment sometimes fails does not disturb this philosophy. This is where classification comes in. If the medical profession says "Yes, you are sick, and yes, we can help" then that is excellent. Sometimes it is "Yes, you are sick, but we don't know how to cure". This is less satisfactory, but it is not a failure of the principle that if you can classify correctly, you are more likely to devise an appropriate management. I am not an expert on paedophilia, but if the experts in mental health do not classify it as an illness, then I, along with the rest of society, will accept that opinion as being the best available. The fact that we have not achieved a consensus on foetal development (or the existence of life on other planets) is an irrelevance. I note your demand for "conclusive studies". I hate to say this, but do you have a sufficient understanding of the scientific process? Yes evolution is a theory, but the experimental evidence is such that it has a probability of more than 99.99% of being the truth. If you don't understand the degrees of probability, then you have to rely on someone else's understanding. I am happy to follow the scientific opinion that homosexuality is not an illness, and if you understand no more about it than I do, you will have to do the same.

Answer by Adam
im not rlly guna waste time and effort reading this.. i got the impression in the first two lines.. ur an idiot who thinks u know more than u do. disease means diff things for diff people. basically its a state where u arent functioning correctly. i wont delve too much into detail as not to confuse ur little head.

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