Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I Am a Student of Christian Science [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

I Am a Student of Christian Science [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

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Are you a Christian Scientist?

When I am asked this question, more often than not, I answer, "I practice Christian Science." Christian Science is a practice, a system of divine healing that can be applied to everyday life. Basically, to pigeonhole myself as a Christian Scientist can be misleading. For example, I know a few people who categorize themselves as farmers, but really are practicing golf, while their hired managers practice the farming.

Christian Science, as defined by Mary Baker Eddy, is "The law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony." (Rudimental Divine Science, Mary Baker Eddy) The healing law of good has existed forever; it is not a mystery when scientifically analyzed.

On the other hand, Christian Science is a mystery when it is defined as a church organization, a dogma, or a human way of life. But, this wandering around in definitions doesn't change the facts. Christi an Science, when juxtaposed with Eddy's terminology, is a "system of Mind-healing." (Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy, Trade Edition)

Christian Science is not a practice of rituals or a system of beliefs. There are metaphysical rules to follow in Mind-healing. I have found that when I follow the spiritual rules, I can experience both emotional and physical improvement.

Problem is, it feels counterintuitive to follow spiritual rules. The human mind can only grasp so much, and it is easily confused by abstract ideas. However, there is an unseen force that compels human beings to understand, to break barriers, and courageously defeat anything that goes against God, good. Consequently, spirituality is pursued and those very spiritual rules are glimpsed and recognized as beneficial.

The propaganda surrounding Christian Science, or any religion for that matter, needs to be dismissed in order to embrace the inspiration that correctly interprets the spiritual ru les taught. Religion should not morph into a series of human rules that override spiritual rules. It is important to remember that spiritual rules are impartial, discoverable to everyone, just as we all are exposed to the law of gravity.

So as not to get too hung up on the word Christian, Eddy also used the terms spiritual Science, Mind-science, divine Science, or the Science of Spirit, while explaining this "pathological system of Christianity." (ibid)

Of course, there is than the temptation to get hung up on the word Science. However, if a scientist of physics can discover how a law of matter works by means of using the scientific method, why can't a scientist of divine Mind discover how the law of God heals by means of using the scientific method? Therefore, Eddy, theorized, experimented, and concluded. "God is Mind, and God is infinite; hence all is Mind. On this statement rests the Science of being, and the Principle of this Science is divine, demonstrating harmony and immortality." (Ibid)

The study of the law of God is not only healing, but also interesting and uniting. I am better able to see similarities, instead of differences, between religions. The student's knowledge of divine Being is mind-opening, however, "Their knowledge of Mind-healing may be right theoretically, but the moral and spiritual status of thought must be right also." (Miscellaneous Writings, Things to be Thought of)

As a student of divine Science, I continue to apply the law of God, revealing the one Cause and effect that includes Christlike healing. People really can't be pigeonholed as if we are separate from one another or separate from God and God's rule of natural healing. Our status is oneness. Mind is one and infinite Mind includes us, a principle worthy of study and practice.

Recommend I Am a Student of Christian Science Issues

Question by : What does psychology have to do to become a science? Since its beginnings late in the 19th century, psychology has intended to be a branch of the sciences. What does being a science entail for the field of psychology? In other words, what must the field of psychology do if it is to be a science? Best answer for What does psychology have to do to become a science?:

Answer by Kyra
The 'science' psychology is the study of the mental state.

Answer by Vicero 27m
Psychology is a rare animal in that it is a philosophical and scientific hybrid. While studies of the human psyche have taken place utilizing the scientific method in it's pursuit of answers, it's also a field of complete theory. Even the results of scientifically structured psychological studies are only "supported" and never "confirmed." There are approaches to psychology that do not include the scientific method and are among the most respected. A.H. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is solely based on observations and have relatively no scientific foundation. His ideas are in fact not meant to be quantified and any attempts to do so would make Abe roll over in his grave I'm sure. I am of the belief that the human experience cannot and should not be reduced to figures and statistics like so much algebra. Doing so makes people into equations and knee-caps the foundation of therapy which is the belief that the counselor CARES about the client.

Answer by L_Dopa
Psychology is a science. It belongs to the class of social sciences. I don't know where you are getting your information, but you appear to be grossly uninformed. Like most sciences (in western history), psychology began as a philosophy with the ancient Greeks. It evolved into a formal philosophy over 2000 years ago, Philosophy of Mind. However, it was not formally called "Psychology" until Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt, circa 1879, specifically Experimental Psychology. Wundt was a brilliant physician, philosopher, chemist and professor. The early psychologists were much like him, combining multiple fields of science and scientific principles to understand the functioning of brain and human behavior. Today, there are dozens of specializations within the science of Psychology. Here are a few I have studied and done research in: Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biopsychology Psychophysiology Psychopharmocology Experimental Psychology Abnormal Psychology Clinical Psychology Behavioral Psychology Business Psychology Sports Psychology Organizational Psychology Positive Psychology Need more? A simple Internet search will provide you with enough psychology science to occupy you continuously for more than a lifetime.

Answer by harmless
Those grey areas .. those neuron studies.. I await the day whereby I benefit from their research.

â€" [Science]


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