Wednesday, August 22, 2012

High School Science Fair Ideas []

High School Science Fair Ideas []

Question by Ash: What goes under the list ogof a physical science when in high scjoolschool? I have taken biology chemistry and geosystems and I was planning ontaking environmental science next year... Do any of these count as a pjysical science for college admission? Best answer for What goes under the list ogof a physical science when in high scjoolschool?:

Answer by frickholm
For college admission, most colleges just require 2-3 years, depending on the college. Geosystems and environmental science would not count for science credit towards a high school diploma, at least it wouldn't in my school. When I was in middle school, I took physical science, which is suppose to prepare you for physics in high school. So to answer your question, I would say physics counts as a physical science.

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Presenting the best high school science fair idea will always be a challenge to the school children as well their educators or mentors. The reason being such a scientific endeavor is a source of enlightenment and entertainment for the public, who visit the high school science fairs and witness one as a strong motivational tool to other enthusiastic children.

The high school science fair infuses the spirit of scientific inquiry into the students, who present the idea and initiate it into the art of pedagogy, as they explain the working of their models to the visitors. There are many institutions that offer great awards for the best presented high school science fair idea. Occasionally, the winners of the science fair are offered a scholarship from college, and this honor certainly increases the likelihood that one will be accepted at the college of their choice.

Furthermore, the best presented high school science fair idea will also receive immense publicity . The best presented high school science fair idea also boasts about the facilities and infrastructure that the institution has to the visiting public.

People, who browse through the best high school science fair ideas, appreciate the wonderful capabilities of the child, presenting it.

A successful and meaningful high school science fair idea is the one that highlights at least one of the pressing national and global problems along with the proposal of possible solutions to it. This will be achieved if the idea could be a presentation of any of the following, though not limited to these:

Idea of presenting models of blood circulation and blood supply through the heart muscle A model demonstrating how the coronary arteries harden and how important it is to modify the lifestyle to avoid dreadful heart conditions

HIV has been rampantly spreading and if an idea is conceived with a 3-D model of HIV, and of the various ways, it is transmitted from pati ents to healthy persons including fetuses, it would be useful. Moreover, the action of virus on the T lymphocytes and the opportunistic infections that HIV predisposes to along with a chart showing the safe sex practices to prevent AIDS can also be supportive to the project.

Ideas incorporating models displaying the mechanisms that underlie the natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tsunami, etc., the guidelines to predict and forecast them, along with the flowchart of steps to be taken when disasters really strike can also be attractive as well as address some issues.

High school science fair ideas incorporating the working models of ozone depletion, temperature inversion, smog development, and formation of greenhouse gases and acid rain, tests for detecting common pollutants in water, air and soil will be apt for the current scenario. An idea of measurement kits for determining the decibel levels of noise on a busy street, an idea of model o f a rain water purification plant and idea of recycling non-degradable materials can always be creative and informative.

The high school science fair idea, best conceived and presented generally, leaves behind happy memories in the students, who had participated in it, along with the visitors.

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