Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fun and Challenging Hair Spray Science Fair Projects [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Fun and Challenging Hair Spray Science Fair Projects [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

fr.euronews.com Un exploit sportif doublé d'un message scientifique. Il y avait tout ça dans ce qu'ont réalisé deux athlètes à la Cité des sciences à Paris, à l'occasion de la 8e Nuit européenne des musées. Pendant six jours et six nuit, Michael Micaletti a couru, Philippe Dieumegard a pédalé. Chacun au bout de ses forces. Record à la clé : 822,31 kilomètres pour le coureur de l'extrême, 2704 kilomètres pour le cycliste. Un effort également céréberal : "On raconte des histoires, je retrouve de vieux souvenirs, de bons souvenirs et puis à l'avenir. Je regarde les kilomètres où défile la performance, donc en fait ça ne passe pas si... j'ai des fois des réunions au bureau qui sont plus longues", explique Michaël Micaletti en plein effort. Derrière l'exploit sportif, il ya donc également une expérience puisque tout s'est déroulé sous la surveillance de spécialistes de la physiologie de l'effort et du sommeil. Les athlètes ont mu ltiplié les pauses pour faire des micro-siestes d'une quinzaine de minutes. "Ce qui nous importe c'est surtout tous ces moments d'arrêt, comment il va gérer son sommeil à ce moment là", insiste Didier Glayrouse, le responsable du matériel d'enregistrement du sommeil. Moins d'une minute était nécessaire aux deux athlètes pour qu'ils s'endorment. Les analyses ont démontré qu'au fil de l'exploit, la part du sommeil profond - et donc réparateur - devenait de plus en plus importante. Le docteur Eric Mullens est médecin du sommeil au laboratoire d'Albi ...

euronews science - Gestion de la fatigue : la preuve par l'effort

Hair spray science fair projects can turn your love of hair styling products into a winning science fair project. This type of project is generally classified as a chemistry science fair experiment, but don't let this intimidate you. Chemistry science fair projects aren't always super difficult, many are quick and easy to complete.

To generate ideas for your hair spray science fair projects your first step is to simply describe hair spray. Create a list of physical characteristics that your spray has, as well as a list of what it does. For example, sticky, fine mist, makes hair stiff and it has a pleasant smell. You can then isolate one of the items on your list to develop a project around.

If you are interested in how this compound makes your hair stiff then you can develop chemistry science fair projects that explore the chemical properties of hair products. For this project you will want to look at the ingredient list of your spray. You can also compare the ingredient lists of several products to see what ingredients are similar and which ones are unique.

If you are interested in challenging science fair projects then consider going deeper with your examination. For example, design an experiment that looks at the molecular bonds between chemical compounds. Then explain how these chemical bonds affect your hair strands and how this helps your hair o hold a hair style. For this type of science fair project you may need an electron microscope or photographs of molecular bonds of the chemical compounds you are working with.

Judges at science fairs always appreciate innovation. One way to be innovative with your science fair project is to experiment with different ways to use hair care products that don't involve styling your hair. For example, you can use them to get gum out of the carpet, to keep your swimming suit from creeping up and you can even use it as a sealant for artwork. When developing your alternative uses you will want to not only demonstrate how to use your test materials in a non-traditional manner, but you will also need to explain why it works for the alternative application.

While having a kickin' project is important to winning a science fair, it is not the only element of your entry you need to develop. The project itself accounts for about 50 percent of your total science fair score. The remaining 50 percent is made up of scores derived from the judging of your project's display, oral presentation and your ability to answer the judges' questions about your project. This means that after your project has been completed, you will need to focus on the remaining elements of your science fair project entry.

More Fun and Challenging Hair Spray Science Fair Projects Topics

Question by the1iluv: What kind of science and math does a pharmacist need to know? I'm planning on majoring in pre pharmacy, but I didnt fair too well in math or science..I mean I can do all the basic math stuff, do you need to know like trigonometry or calculus? Best answer for What kind of science and math does a pharmacist need to know?:

Answer by special-chemical-x
You'll definitely have to be adept at atleast algebra, inlcuding logarithms. For the course work in college, I expect you'll need to take calculus.

Answer by coooool
At the first, I think u should take Honors classes for math. I really don't think u need to take trigeometry but calculus. Try to get A for math, then u will be definitely fine. For science, i think u should get good grades in biology and chemistry. I want to be a doctor.. To be a pharmacist or doctor will be really difficult as u know.. Let's cheer up! :)

Answer by Lea
You'll have to take trigonometry and calculus, but you won't use it. The most common used math is algebra and statistics/probability. You will have to be very good in science. You'll need a high GPA.

â€" [Science]


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