Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Free Science Fair Projects [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

Free Science Fair Projects [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

We finish the Minecart puzzle... And, then, we begin taking different routes... Too many times. Download: www.packlestudioz.com Texture Pack: DokuCraft - Dark(By Doku) Download: www.packlestudioz.com LINKS: www.packlestudioz.com -- Official Website twitter.com -- Official Twitter twitter.com - The Packle's Twitter twitter.com - GLSimson's Twitter twitter.com - Gadzooks28's Twitter

Our Minecraft Adventures - The Dimension of Doom! - Part 3 "Note to Self: Don't Split Up!"

So, your schools having a science fair and you either are lacking the funds to make your project or you just do not want to spend the money. So without spending money you will have to make one of many free science fair projects. There are many free science fair projects that can be made from materials commonly found around the home, trash or easily findable. Here are a few free science fair projects.

Can you tell someones gender by the shape of their feet?

Required Materials: Pencil, 10 sheets of paper, eraser

In this free science fair projects, have several people trace their feet onto the paper. Label the paper the number it was used and record the number on a separate piece of paper. The separate piece of paper should include age, weight, height, gender and ethnicity. Have your friends and peers take turns looking though the pictures of the feet and deciding which ones are male and which ones are female. Record thi s data to a tally and graph.

How Gullible are people to Science?

Required Materials: Pencil, 1 piece of paper, clipboard, eraser

Did you know that bi-hydrogated oxide is used in the production of cigarettes and is also used as an industry floor cleaning agent, but may be found in your child's candy! Its water! Ordinary water is used for these purposes. To make this free science fair projects work simply get signatures from as many people as you can. Highlight and document the names of people who are rich or have jobs that require brains.

The Effects of Not Eating

Required Materials: Pencil, 1 piece of paper, eraser, pizza, pop

For this free science fair project have a group of friends come over. Have them all do as many push ups or some as possible. Don't feed them that night or the next morning or lunch. Have them repeat the endurance test. Compare the results. Treat your friends to pizza and pop afterwards.

Which Cola tastes better Pepsi or Coke, Can you tell?

Required Materials: Pencil, several pieces of paper, eraser, a bottle of Pepsi, a bottle of coke, various brands of no name Cola, 5+ glasses/person, scissors.

For this free science fair project pour a glass of Pepsi, a glass of coke, 2 to 8 glasses of no name Cola and a glass of water. Mark the glasses with numbers by cutting the paper and labeling the glasses. Ask the subject to tell you which one is the Coke or which one is the Pepsi(this isn't a lie there is only 1 of them) as well as the one that tastes best and which ones taste the same. Record the results.

There are many other free science fair projects, all they require are a little time and thought on your part.

More Free Science Fair Projects Articles

Question by Winterous: Is a major in cognitive science pointless if i dont want to become a doctor? I just think cognitive science is interesting, but I dont want to become a doctor. Best answer for Is a major in cognitive science pointless if i dont want to become a doctor?:

Answer by jannsody
It may also help to prepare a grad student interested in neuropsychology (how the brain affects behavior) or in doing some type of research (research jobs usually require a doctorate/ph.d). A neuropsychologist or cognitive therapist generally works with individuals who have had a stroke ('brain attack') or some other type of brain injury or dementia/alzheimer's disease. For US colleges: http://www.utexas.edu/world/univ

Answer by Aunt Belle
I don't think cognitive science heads you toward medical school at all. I think it would lead you toward anything that requires critical thinking (e.g., law), or to psychology, or toward computer science (or teaching, actually). If you really like it, go for it. It's quite open-ended. Just keep thinking and talking with faculty about what you'd want to do with it.

Answer by Dorothy K
The field of cognitive science is continuously growing and advancing. You do not necessarily need to become a doctor if you decide to take up this major. There is always a need for researchers and/or professors in the field. If you like it enough, stick with it, talk to other professionals in the field, and see what all it could entail and what possible career paths it could lead to.

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