Monday, August 13, 2012

Easy Science Projects - Science Made Simple and Fun []

Easy Science Projects - Science Made Simple and Fun []

Question by Chewy: How can math and science skills contribute to the long-term sustainability of a state? How can Math and science skills contribute to the long-term sustainability of a state? Best answer for How can math and science skills contribute to the long-term sustainability of a state?:

Answer by joyousnorth
As populations increase past the point of small villages, it becomes critical for the welfare of all involved that the state's available resources are used efficiently. This demand for efficient use continues to increase as the population increases. This efficient use requires math and science skills. For example, while a village of 100 may all get their drinking water from a village, and all live close enough to get it themselves, a city of 100,000 cannot. Thus, the water must be distributed from the river among the inhabitants which requires the construction of canals, pumps, etc. Besides the obvious resources like water, food, timber, etc. this need for efficiently managing resources impacts many resources we often take for granted in small communities (the ability to communicate, the ability to travel, governance, etc.).

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Easy science projects are great for younger children in elementary school or perhaps if you run a daycare center you want something easy for the children to do. Children are naturally curious and full of questions; they love to learn and science experiments are a lot of fun for them. They will get a great sense of accomplishment from completing the experiment. There are a lot of easy science projects that can be completed with materials around your own home or in the classroom at school.

Easy science projects can including testing from what height hardboiled eggs can be dropped without breaking the shell. Or, what kind of surface will catch the egg the softest to prevent it from breaking. You can do this project quite easily, just boil a dozen or two dozen eggs (depending on how many kids are doing the project) and you can use a measuring tape to determine how high you're going to drop the eggs from and how high you can drop them from before they break. You can a lso try dropping them onto different things such as a pillow or a piece of foam or maybe a sweater and see which one of the things it can land on without breaking, you can also try this experiment from different heights as well. Make sure you record your findings on a comparison chart, and present your hypothesis. There are so many fun, easy science projects out there that you should have no trouble finding a project to interest you.

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