Tuesday, August 7, 2012

America's Online Science Degrees [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

America's Online Science Degrees [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]

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Science has become a very popular course of study in recent decades, and with many different scientific breakthroughs occurring throughout the world, which at one point seemed impossible, science is truly making a comeback as people sense the possibilities this field of study has to offer. Science is a diverse field, and course of study range from subjects like Biology, Physics, and Chemistry, which most of us took in high school, to more out there pursuits like Quantum Physics, Robotics, and Forensics. Almost everybody has watched an episode of CSI and thought, 'I could do that,' or 'That would be really interesting.' Therefore it is not surprise that the field of science has grown enormously in popularity in recent years. Whether discovering a cure for cancer or inventing the next iPod or iPad, the exciting possibilities of this field are often what motivate students to pursue it in the first place.

Online Science degrees are something that are normally not dis cussed, mainly because people have a preconception that all science classes must take place in person. While it is true that some science labs do need to take place in a traditional classroom setting, there are many growing options for obtaining an online science degree that do not require the students to actually attend class in person. This is helpful for any students who have busy lives outside of their academic interest, yet want to pursue a science degree because of the interest they have or the opportunities this degree can grant. Below listed, are some popular online science degrees and some helpful things to know about pursuing them.

The University of Phoenix offers a wide array of science degree options, including an AA, BA, and MS in Psychology, Criminal Justice, Nursing, and Technology. Other online science degree options include Biology, Environmental Science, Geographic Information Systems, Chemistry, Computer Science, Forensic Science, and more. These com e in an array of degree options and from numerous schools, from online universities to state universities offering online degree options. These degrees are easily pursued, and can take place entirely from home or include some class or laboratory hours as well, depending on the college or university. Online science degrees open up a variety of opportunities in fields of work which are highly in demand and need skilled and educated workers.

Fields such as nursing are understaffed and well paid, making this a lucrative choice for an online science degree to be pursued. Another such field is computer science, as well as the technology industry in general, which is making huge gains and always needs well educated degree holders to work in this innovative field. Forensics is another field which has been growing in popularity in recent years, due mainly to television shows like CSI and Bones, and also has a need for skilled forensics technicians at all levels.

Find More America's Online Science Degrees Topics

Question by Ryan H: What is the degree most comparable to a Computer Science degree? Right now my intended major is Computer Science. I know there is alot of math to obtain this major. I want a back up plan just in case I cannot handle all the math. Does anyone know what the most comparable degree to Computer Science is, without so much math? Do all the higher paying computer jobs require a Computer Science degree? Thanks! Best answer for What is the degree most comparable to a Computer Science degree?:

Answer by Zarn
Strictly speaking, the higher paying computer jobs are not Computer Science jobs, they're Human Resources jobs. Game designers and concept artists are graphic designers - they usually don't lay down code. Here are a few links: http://www.job-employment-guide.com/computer-programmer-salary.html http://www.theesa.com/facts/pdfs/VideoGames21stCentury_2010.pdf http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos303.htm http://articles.cnn.com/2008-01-30/living/best.hr.jobs_1_hr-professionals-shrm-human-resource-management?_s=PM:LIVING

Answer by iFanFarm
There are many schools that offer IT or information technology. You can usually get a relatively ok job with a degree like this. This is pretty much the same thing with out the math, although there is still math

â€" [Science]


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