Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Different View of Science []

A Different View of Science []

Mexican archaeologists have found two millennia-old sculptures in the southern Chiapas state which they say could shed new light on the ancient Maya culture. And further north, in Morelos state, another dramatic discovery was recently made: a monolith dating back to the 8th century in the shape of an Aztec God....

euronews science - Dramatic finds for Mexican archaelogists

The time has come to re-evaluate unexplainable and "unscientific" discoveries and disciplines with radically new paradigms that better reflect the needs of modern man. The current principles of technological science must be examined to see if they still function in Humanities best interest. To apply Newtonian concepts and three dimensional logic to disciplines like Astrology of discoveries like ESP, neutrinos and black holes is going to cause science to blunder into a philosophical cul-de-sac where it will have to draw useless and ridiculous conclusions that will make good Sci-Fi plots but will retard human evolution.

Our needs at this point in Humanity's evolution are not for more and more sophisticated missiles, computers, and electronic gadgets but rather for a purpose and reason for man to continue to evolve on earth. The main paradigm of science since Newton has been to dominate and control out total environment for our own needs and desires. The fact that t hese desires were usually selfish, nationalistic and petty has not stopped science (and its handmaiden technology) from pushing humans to the brink of extinction. It is apparent that science in its 200 year quest to create a world of good and plenty has neglected to set any conceptual goals of limits in its search.As the myth of man's superiority over his environment crumbles, science has neglected to look for a replacement, and consequently it continues to use the same old solutions for an entirely new set of problems.

As the 20th century comes to an end, the scientific community is being confronted with more and more discoveries and theories that ate totally incompatible with the three dimensional five sense world that was defined scientifically over three hundred years ago.In order for science to face this confrontation over the next twenty-five years it will have to do three things:1. Discard if necessary, any three dimensional sense based paradigms that are no lon ger relevant to mans total evolution.2. Develop new paradigms that will make the apparently incomprehensible discoveries and disciplines of today more meaningful so that they might give us a renewed perspective on our world.3. Use this perspective to build a broader, more relevant myth so that will enable humanity to define a renewed purpose and goal for its evolution. Point one looks simple, but, it is really quite difficult. Over the years, science has made a lot of assumptions that it accepts as fact. To convenience scientists otherwise is extremely difficult due to a smug assumption of their own intelligence and wisdom.One of the first ideas of science that will have to for is that if a theory cannot be proved analytically by some sort of empirical means, it is of no value and should be ignored.

Potentially valuable disciplines like Yoga, Astrology, and acupuncture are discarded using this logic.This thought is further reinforced by a corollary principle that says if something does not have the potential to either make someone rich of fulfill a paranoid need for collective protection it is not worth pursuing. Solar energy suffers under the former and the Pentagon thrives on the latter.A more esoteric and obsolete principle of science that is rarely defined is the assumption that present knowledge is the culmination of a long trail of experimentation and error. The scientists of Galileo's time felt that the earth was the center of the solar system. They "proved" it according to their subjective notions, and felt that the idea was "right".We smugly look back and consider the acceptance of the heliocentric solar system as a naive but necessary step in our attempt to understand the solar system, which we now consider completely understood. It is obvious if you think about it that our current knowledge is no more complete in an absolute sense than that of Copernicus. His theory was a big step above Galileo just as Galileo was a big step ab ove Cro-Magnon's.

There is no real reason to believe that a different model of the solar system might not be discovered which will make our present knowledge seem just as naive as Galileo.Another paradigm that is obsolete is the statement that an observable fact is more valid than a subjective one. The word valid in this context is defined as being useful for social or personal growth enhancement.One fact that comes to mind that is not particularly valid is that the earth is round. We all know it's round, but subjectively, seeing it as flat is just as valid. Deep down we do not believe that is round anyway, otherwise we would be afraid of going to Australia; as we might fall off into space. Considering the world subjectively as flat has no disadvantages and in fact is more useful for our functional conception of the world.Another related fact that has no practical meaning to our everyday life is that the sun is the center of the solar system and the earth revolves arou nd it at 17,000 mph. A moments thought will convince anybody that we are forced by our senses to deny this as we see the sun revolving around the earth and consider the earth as being stationery.Any fact has to be looked at in this manner. As the meaning of facts is relative to our sense of reality. Considering the earth as the relative center of the solar system enabled humanity to utilize the earth's biosphere in a functional practical manner, as the concept of day, month, and growing season are easier to conceptualize assuming the sun revolves around the earth. It turns out that the only use a heliocentric conception of the solar system has is in esoteric technological abstractions such as launching space ships and satellites.

It must be stated that I am not advocating the re-acceptance of the geocentric solar system, rather, I am presenting the idea that both views are valid for different things, and for science to totally disregard the subjective aspects of observ able phenomena is not in humanities best interest.Another attitude of science that is no longer functional is that present knowledge is always valid and anything new must be subjected to years of proving and analysis to be accepted. The introduction of antiseptic procedures and anesthetics into medicine are two of the most famous examples.The paradigms that I have mentioned are not all inclusive, as science has many more that could be changed. It must be understood that I am not advocating the examination and editing of every scientific axiom, but rather a change of perspective about scientific discoveries that would put the accent on what humanity needs a opposed to what it wants.The elimination of these various principle and axioms automatically implies establishing new ones.

The ones I just mentioned were relevant and useful in their time frame, and grew out of the experience of humans during different periods that make this period ideal for reformulating our most b asic scientific concepts.The first new principles I propose is that a discovery of theory will be accepted and disseminated if it shows a definite potential to fulfill a social need. Society as an entity often asks questions in its own way. The answer to these questions is best met by the symbol. A theory should be judged by its symbolic power to either alter humanities perception or to fulfill a collective need. The idea of " proving" it should be secondary. As a corollary to this principal, I propose that a scientific discovery or theory be submitted to other disciplines for analysis. If artists and philosophers could have had a say in the use of napalm, a lot of human suffering might have been avoided.Another principle that I feel would enable science to arrive at more valid conclusions to today's phenomena would be to accept the idea that our three dimensional world is real, but does not encompass reality. This statement has been accepted as fact for years by all occult societies, some religions, and many philosophers. The scientists have dealt with it by ignoring it.

The physics of sub-atomic particles would be the obvious place for this principle to be applied. Two of the established conclusions of this discipline already postulate that atoms, which compose " solid" objects are mostly space, and are moving rapidly and that matter is not an actual substance but rather a particular form of energy.Throughout history, visions, ideas, and dreams, although not " real " have altered the world and its people. Concepts like the Jewish state, Christianity, and Communism are three of the best examples. If science could accept ideas like ESP and telepathy without insisting on three dimensional proof, our world might progress differently.A companion to the above principle is that phenomena that is experienced by senses other than the obvious five be considered to have an equal potential for becoming valid and useful. Carl Jung's dream analysis a nd the ideas of Robert Assagioli offer tremendous potential for improving psychology's usefulness if they could be applied with a more pragmatic attitude.These new principles of science would only be a start. Using them would cause a weakening of the uniqueness of the scientific method.

The positive aspects would be to make science more closely aligned with the other evolutionary disciplines of art and philosophy. The potential of such a synthetic discipline formed from the best aspects of art, philosophy, science and mathematics would be tremendous. Such a discipline could be called homosynthesis and would be ideal for humanities apparent future needs.As things stand now, the implications of today's discoveries will become more and more unreal and fantastic if we continue using present phenomena, the further examination of such " scientific" discoveries as black holes and quarks must be done within a less rigid framework in order for them to ever become meaningful for humanity. At present, the conclusion that " modern science" has drawn from them sounds ridiculous. Black holes imply a disappearance of time, matter, and space itself out of the universe possess a quality so exotic that it is referred to as "charm", for want of a better word. Neutrinos have no mass, no charge and do not leave a trail in a bubble chamber, yet science admits their existence.

Using some of the principles I have postulated would be a good start to make some sense out of the apparent nonsense described above.People look to science for many of the myths we use to give subjective meaning to our existence. The myth that humans have the wisdom and ability to distort natural processes without any negative effects has strongly defined our reality over the last fifty years. Another one is that humans have an infinite capacity for wisdom, and that the rapid application of every scientific discovery, regardless of our understanding of the affects of the implication s, is in our best interest.The new principles that I have proposed could lead to new myths. The idea that an individual is part of something beyond his comprehension can lead to an intelligent humility that would convert man from a paranoid antagonist against an unknown foe to an enlightened part of a vast cosmic whole. Instead of seeing things like black holes and quarks as fantastic outside concepts attacking our cherished notions, we could accept them as doors that open into a higher level of cosmic integration. We could become conscious cooperators in our own evolution, with each new discovery leading us to another in a never ending path toward our ultimate destiny.

Suggest A Different View of Science Articles

Question by Risu: What would you want and expect from a good science fiction book? 1) what's an interesting theme? 2) should it be more science or more fiction? 3) would you want to learn interesting/important facts? 4) would you like it to have romance? 5) should it be complicated, but still undertandable or should it be simple? 6) Do you even like science fiction? Even if it's science fiction, it's sceince so it has to have facts, real things that exist not only fction... 7) does it bother you if the information could be right, but it really isn't? Tyvm. I love science fiction and i'm just curious. I'm also a writer so i wanna know. Best answer for What would you want and expect from a good science fiction book?:

Answer by Jeff of the 140 IQ ;-)
First and foremost, I want a well-told story. That's something that just doesn't seem to exist too much in today's SF. All the writers and editors are padding the stories to make them the minimum 80,000 words when all they really have is a 40,000 words story. And I want to see something original. Something that makes me think. Something that makes me feel. Today's SF has become bland and boring. It should delve into the characters' personalities and how the science has an effect on them. The best SF is character-driven, not science driven. Have you ever read "The Shortest Science Fiction Story Ever Told"? Can't remember who wrote it (it is not the one by Forrest J Ackerman). It has two sentences: The last man on earth sits in an empty room. There is a knock at the door. See how that just fires up the imagination? That's what SF should do. It should leave the reader wondering and thinking.

Answer by Tarragon
My idea of a good SF books is several things: 1. actual science is a bonus, e.g. Hoyle, or Arthur C Clarke's story about how he wrote of a geosynchronous satellite and had a visit from NASA, who hadn't figured out how to do it. 2. Good characters. Real and tangible and preferably a little flawed. 3. A lack of geographic imperative. Some authors draw a map at the start of their book and then invent plot excuses to criss cross the whole damn thing. Give me a break! 4. A sense of spatial awareness, i.e. a point to it all. I started reading EE Doc Smith but once the cardboard characters started zooming around the known universe without rhyme or reason -- I shut the book. Kidnap the girl first, THEN thereby give the hero a reason to jump in the half-finished untested ship in pursuit... 5. Interesting aliens. Try Ursula le Guin's "Left Hand of Darkness" where the aliens are hermaphrodites and trace their lineage matralineally. That was cool. 6. People who beat the odds, whether that's Teela Brown or Ender Wiggin (Orson Scott Card) or Gordon R Dickson's Tactics of Mistake. 7. Complex is fine as long as I can keep up. Helps to have some recurring clues if there is a mystery with a late reveal. That way I know that it doesn't yet make sense because the reveal is yet to come -- not because I missed the resoltuion back in Chapter 3. 8. Romance is fine. Sex is fine. within the right tone. What would really amaze me would be if any of the characters ate, drank, bathed or visited the little alien's room, because all SF characters seem to have had these organs removed! 9. does it bother me if the info could be, but isn't right? DAMN STRAIGHT it does. Golly, I would remove a few fingernails with a light sabre if I could find the culprits. 10. One last thing -- pls spellcheck the text? There is one S/Fan writer I refuse to buy because his books simply aren't spellchecked and the grammar is woeful. I pay good money for books, not idiot jottings!! sheesh. All the best with your writing.

Answer by Kublah Kahn
1) a classic sciencefiction theme is that of the myth of Prometheus. He stole fire from the gods. Stories that include this theme are: Frankenstein Space Odessy 2001 The myth of sisyphus The tower of babel Blade Runner ect. Man defies god by "going too far" Another great theme would be that of Plato's Allegory of the Cave. A man breaks out of his world that he thought real and sees the real world. But when he returns he is condemned for it. Because people just cant accept the truth. Stories that include this theme are: Matrix The three stigmata of palmer eldrich The myth of the blue flower ect Above all theme as to come first in a good science fiction 2) The science in a science fiction is fiction itself. eg. The medotranites in my blood can be combined with marlaks from the planet zinothis to create a power source more powerful then darkmatter. This is what's so much fun about science fiction. It is magic if it is given by spirits or inherently inside us, this is fantasy. Magic is not really explained. But science fiction is when the magic has a "scientific" explenation. Because science fiction is firstly about theme the story should be more important then the "science" 3) YES! otherwise it becomes fantasy. But be carefull, you don't want to bore the audience with things that they dont need to know. Every line in any book should be there to support the story as a whole. 4) Romance is a very general sub-genre in all genres . It's something that every one can relate to. Don't dwell to much on it. In many science fiction stories and films the romance is a very very very small part of the film. I personally like the idea of suggesting a romance rather then blatantly telling the story of how the romance plays off. In many science fiction stories you'll notice that the hero has a greater goal and the romance is holding him back. Look at the Film Noir idea of a Femme Fatale, they are always fun. 5) It depends who your target audience is really. I like the world to be too complicated for our hero to really understand but through him we understand the essentials. This makes the story infinitly complicated but also in a sense very simple. It then is up to the audience if they want to explore the world further in their own minds or if they only want to know the essentials so they can follow the story. This can make me lie around at night and wonder about the world and it's rules. Remember "The easiest way for a man to become boring is to say everything" Voltaire You need mystery in science fiction. 6) Yea! I love science fiction What you are talking about is called the "suspension of disbelief". We tell the audience "This is my world, it is similiar to your world in many ways but it is not your world" 7) No, you are not writing an handbook or encyclopedia. It's fiction, it's a story

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