A Brief Introduction to Nutraceutical Sciences [sciencetechnology-center.blogspot.com]
Question by ummm...: What was your prize winning science fair project you presented at the science fair? I just want to know, what was your PRIZE WINNING science fair project you presented at the science fair? Like...what was the topic of your project, how did you present your project, what was unique about your project, etc? Best answer for What was your prize winning science fair project you presented at the science fair?:
Answer by event horizon
Mine was: the effect of blackholes on the fabric of space-time. I observed the singularity of a blackhole through a telescope, and recorded the motion of stars around it. I realized that the blackhole was active and was actually letting out particles of energy. I was able to capture this energy with a device that I created and store it in very small quantities. With this energy I was able to gather it, and create a new blackhole, even more massive. I then observed it in my laboratory, and bombarded it with neutral particles to change it's composition and power. This was the first step of the time-machine that I was creating. I presented this project at my 4th grade science fair...but unfortunately only came in 3rd place.
Answer by Former MN Science Teacher --sDg
These sites have or point to lots of science fair project ideas: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/ http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/category0.html http://www.ipl.org/div/projectguide/ http://school.discoveryeducation.com/sciencefaircentral/ http://www.picadome.fcps.net/lab/sci_fair/science_fair.htm http://www.scienceproject.com/ http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/projects/index.html http://www.freesciencefairproject.com/ http://www.hometrainingtools.com/articles/acat_science-projects.html http://www.usc.edu/CSSF/Resources/GettingStarted.html
Answer by Megan
what gender can handle hotter salsa? I made 5 different salsas, increasing in hotness. I used the arbol pepper, the jalapeño, the habanero, etc. I made the salsas with one of each pepper. I had males eat each salsa, and when they needed a glass of water, then recorded it. I did he same with females. I got to state!
Answer by eri
I've judged a few science fairs, and I can tell you right now that it's not the project that wins, it's the person who did it. I've seen some kids do things that could have been publishable, but couldn't explain it - because their parents walked them through the whole thing. And I've seen kids win with projects like 'what kind of cup keeps coffee hot the longest' simply because they knew what they did and why they did it.
Nutraceutical sciences or nutraceuticals take their name from a combination of the two words 'nutrition' and 'pharmaceutical'. As one might expect, this is because nutraceutical sciences focus on using the health benefits of foods for medicinal purposes.
Foods can be broken down into functional compounds - the chemical compositions that give active benefits - by examination, investigation and testing through nutraceutical sciences. Once this has been done, these functional compounds can be used to treat known illnesses and can be given to patients in the form of prescription medicines in addition to specific dietary requirements, or simply on their own as a food or dietary supplement to a normal healthy balanced diet.
Nutraceutical sciences are a growing area of science which can help prove the benefits of dietary resolution to numerous health problems, including such things as arthritis and heart disease. With arthritis as a prime example, the functional compounds of fish oil, which can help with joint suppleness. In the USA, around two-thirds of all citizens use dietary supplements or nutraceutical product regularly. This being the case, it's easy to understand how a market this size is worth billions of dollars.
Nutraceutical sciences may be a relatively new and fancy name for something that's seemingly so obvious, however, the health benefits of the properties of food needed to be taken more seriously, and within this industry, it's easier for companies, regulators and training organisations to refer to something that explains what it is scientifically.
Nutraceutical sciences have been practiced to some degree since the times of the Ancient Egyptians and the Chinese, who have long recognised the importance of this kind of science, albeit, using different terminology. For them to remain important in a world where food fads, poor diet and general unhealthy lifestyle decisions are often made, the nutraceutical sc ience industry needs to possess the ability to explain the work it does in detail to all those who could benefit in the future. The Western world could benefit greatly from the medicinal advantages that this kind of research brings.
Related A Brief Introduction to Nutraceutical Sciences Issues
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